Why not keep -ourselves fresh, cognitively, spiritually, imagination is the choice, we make, provocatively; knowledge is -not an impediment, but the incubator to -grow ourselves, full-fledgedly?
complex, uncertain;
does knowledge trap us,
limit our imagination,
is information getting stale;
outdated sooner than-
what we thought of?
why not give-
ourselves some freedom,
put aside -
all the trained thoughts,
conventional understanding,
traditions & routines,
let open possibility come to-
set ourselves free to soar,
If the road ahead is-
too flat, tedious,
why not throw ourselves-
a learning curve;
take a detour;
explore valley deep,
climb mountain trail,
dive into the ocean
wander around on-
the tidy seashore, adventurously?
Time and time again,
when the big picture is -
too far, along-
the change curve;
people cannot see -
"what's around the bend";
get lost in -
trivial details;
daily busyness;
shall they ask -
deep “WHY”s to-
figure out -
can they ponder-
“WHY NOT”to spur -
creative ideas;
get into actions positively;
educate, support, celebrate -
every critical step of change, steadfastly?
diversified, dynamic, with-
enriched cultures,
the world of wisdom;
why not open our mind to-
see the full color of landscape,
across boundaries;
why not clear our ears to-
listen to-
two sides of the stories, objectively;
why not trace our roots to -
discover where -
we come from, philosophically;
why not expand -
our footprints to -
walk through -
the progression of-
humanity, anthropologically?
Every bit of-
knowledge we acquire should -
either increase our confidence,
or better our judgment;
every experience,
we’ve been through become-
part of us, authentically;
why not keep -
ourselves fresh, cognitively, spiritually,
imagination is the choice,
we make, provocatively;
knowledge is -
not an impediment,
but the incubator to -
Every bit of-
knowledge we acquire should -
either increase our confidence,
or better our judgment;
every experience,
we’ve been through become-
part of us, authentically;
why not keep -
ourselves fresh, cognitively, spiritually,
imagination is the choice,
we make, provocatively;
knowledge is -
not an impediment,
but the incubator to -
grow ourselves,
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