Saturday, June 24, 2023


Can we break down -conventional understanding, discover patterns, underneath; apply interdisciplinary knowledge to- figure out correlation, clarify cause-effect, resolve human problems through- nonverbal cues, nonlinear logic, holistically?

The world is -

still full of problems,

large or small;

misperception is -

a common symptom,

misinterpretation makes us confused;

can we improve-

circumstances by-

learning through past experiences;

shall we resolve -

tensions between-

future possibilities & past occurrence?

We belong to -

modern societies with -

freedom, liberty,

a system of fairness;

numerous problems exist,

either because they are-

ill-defined or-


some problems are -


other problems seem irrational;

can we break down -

conventional understanding,

discover patterns, underneath;

apply interdisciplinary knowledge to-

figure out correlation,

clarify cause-effect,

resolve human problems through-

nonverbal cues,

nonlinear logic, holistically?

We define societies by -

shared patterns of -

beliefs, attitudes, actions;

we live in a world -

where change is the norm;

when we are able to-

expand the lens to-

see underneath-

the surface,

have gone through -

tough path to progression,

work across disciplinarily to -

resolve problems,

we are ready to-

take creative leap to-

resolve paradox;

harmonize -

the world, coherently.


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