Wednesday, June 28, 2023


It’s always crucial to keep building differentiated advantages, and unleash collective potential effectively.

It is a continuously changing world with “VUCA” new normal, no organization can afford to stick to its old ways. Organizational leaders and professionals have to deal with constant ambiguity, increasing complexity, rapid change, and unprecedented uncertainty. 

Business management with contextual fluency is able to understand the whole meaning of functional dialects, close a variety of gaps in order to improve communication accuracy, talent fluency and business holism.

It is important for the organization to identify emergent trends, understand how information is associated with the valued tangibles of businesses: We cannot predict anything beforehand but we can imagine with many experiences involved in the present or in the past. To prepare for the change proactively, you have to look into an unknown future and attempt to define the business landscape with its opportunities and risks.

Organizational management should streamline information flow, encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration, and enable change continuum. Business executives are sensitive to emergent trends, keep balanced views to understand and handle changes from different angles. So business is solid enough to execute well and it’s liquid enough to allow movement - information flow or idea flow, etc.

It is a worthy investment to explore a set of emergent properties and then, tap business potential and build organizational capacity: Organizations are often fluid and dynamic, their boundaries and parts are not clearly defined in the first place. They are destined to look forward, and in doing so, see both the past and the future in front of companies. A forethoughtful organization can take a structural approach to identify and develop potentiality into a more solid form; grow, innovate, resolve the tensions between future possibilities and past experience, and bridge the gap between "where we are" to "where we want to be" A balanced business initiative portfolio can explore the potential growth opportunities of the organization, set clear criteria to unlock potential that are aligned with at least one strategic objective.

Employees’ collective potential decides the future of business. It takes the immense amount of time and hard work that "naturally talented" people have committed to developing their talents, building their professional competencies. It’s more about empowering people to innovate by getting out of their way, amplifying their voice, giving them actual ownership in what they work on. Lead more, but manage less, allow people to fail, innovate forward:.

It’s always fundamentally important to deal with failures and learn from them wisely: Sure nobody wants to fail, but it's going to happen eventually sometimes. Some say failure is a subset of opportunities. There's no shame in knowingly starting something that might succeed, but might fail. Most people fear failure, as they come dressed in many disguises. The point is how to deal with it wisely.

Every opportunity has risks in it. The reality of failure is that it is also a way to learn; address the risk appropriately. You need a balanced viewpoint of risk, either you will go too far one way and become risk-averse; or go too far the other, and fail to make use of the learning or the learning opportunities. You need to build your abilities to fail forward. This comes from first thinking through the work or situation, continually learning, making "non-repeatable" mistakes and taking calculated risks.

Organizations face both opportunities and risks nowadays, they could miss the opportunity if they only focus on operations in low-risk territories and incremental enhancements only; or they solely focus on quantifiable benefits, short-term business results. It’s always crucial to keep building differentiated advantages, and unleash collective potential effectively. Business transformation is strategic organizational alignment leveraging "core capabilities" to achieve business goals with clear ownership and accountability at all levels.


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