Thursday, June 15, 2023


Isn’t it- a serendipitous path, an influential journey to celebrate #500 poem blogpostings, to share fresh insight, unlock imagination, convey wisdom, artistically?

Global society has become -

much more complex, dynamic,

all at once;

communication bridges-

our world, interactively;

poems abstract -

thoughts & words via-

articulation, idealization;

grasp quintessential,

convey fresh insight;

interpret reality to -

concise phases,

story-lines around -

rhyming lyrics,

philosophical themes;


Each one of us has-

our own personal perception,

life experience,

growth adventure;

we all play-

the crucial role to-

reinforce, enthuse others, for -

change, innovation, transcendent leap, influentially;

storytelling has-

different tones, styles,

poetic abstraction lets people -

reimagine their own version of -

a compelling story,

open their mind,

free their spirit;

renew fresh energy, inspirationally.

Potem is-

an abstract communication to -

unlock imagination;

reveal wisdom;

poems provoke us,

influence on us;

opens our eyes to -

a spectrum of -

things with -

different shades & colors;

expand our horizon to -

all dimensions;

reimagine our world, artistically.

Isn’t it-

 a serendipitous path,

influential journey to -

celebrate #500 poem blog postings,

in pursuit of-

 the charm of-

 poetic expression,

to share-

fresh insight,

unlock imagination,

convey wisdom,



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