Friday, June 16, 2023


Discovery is a process of -revealing unknown facts; clarifying truth from myth, discerningfully..

isten to -

the silence for -

whatever wants to-

be revealed,

empty ourselves from-

what is known,

entering knowing unknown,

unknown, unknown;

initiate self-discovery journey,


body-mind-heart-soul, coherently..

When we just let-

the thoughts flow through,

without getting caught up in them,

that's the moment-

we stay aligned with such a flow,

revelation comes to us,

through us, intuitively..

People have-

their own limitation;

their “gut” goes-

some way to -

reveal unconscious bias;


do not always follow -

preconceived opinions.

practice critical thinking to -

challenge common belief,

conventional wisdom, insightfully..

The dynamic"view of -

the global landscape” has-

many dimensions,

discovery is a process of -

revealing unknown facts;

clarifying truth from myth,


can we look into -

an unknown future,

attempt to-

define the landscape with-

its opportunities, risks,


Shall we refresh -

our thoughts & minds,

keep learning agile,

develop fresh insight,

reveal true self -

via accurate expression,

persuasive communication,

influential conversations, competitively?


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