Wednesday, June 14, 2023


As human beings, we are all on the evolutionary journey of becoming the better self somehow, not to fit conventional standards, but to be original, unique, and innovative.

Being original is one of the important characteristics of authenticity, because you don’t just blindly follow other people’s opinions or practice conventional wisdom only. Original thinkers come up with conclusions and solutions for problems with their own unique cognitive processes, sometimes, they are confused by their limited cognition threshold. But if they are open-minded enough to embrace diverse feedback; and keep refining their knowledge and methodology, they are able to become some sort of innovators, to make an influence significantly.

It is not easy to recognize "original thinker," and it becomes more difficult as most of the modern people are too busy to even think and observe: Original thinking is often fresh, unique, spurring creative ideas inspirationally. Business professionals should truly know who they are, how they think, and who they want to become, by exploring themselves through thought process, understanding levels, learning habits, professional strength, or personality. Being original means being true to one's own personality, spirit, or character. This world needs more original thinkers than ever to handle the ever-increasing diversity, complexity, and overwhelming growth of knowledge in order to generate something fresh.

It's an agile fashion-from original to additional in revealing philosophy behind it: Agile is not only a set of engineering practices, but also a set of principles and philosophy. Long range planning at the story level is too detailed. Keep the work original, then, focus on interaction, incrementalism and improvement. Here is the agile fashion: The team can generate sprint on sprint; record the number of stories prior to starting iteration, then at the end of the project, record the number of implemented stories (split from original to additional). Find the percentage of change in stories over the project from this; make the predictability of the team delivering to their commitments. Find out where you are, encourage originality; take a small step towards your goal, adjust your understanding based on what you learned, and make incremental improvement.

Resilience is a property of an elastic component of a person to recover from a setback to the original situation:
Being original is the very characteristic of being creative; being creative implies risks in thinking and doing things differently. Resilience is a property of an elastic component of a person, enabling people to press on and persevere despite difficult circumstances. It's the ability to respond to change, to recover quickly from setbacks, difficult experiences and adversity. This indicates the person can undergo high dynamic stress and they are able to recover smoothly to the original situation without much degradation of themselves. The level of organizational resilience depends on how the business can manage the gray areas effectively, present resilience to fail fast and fail forward.

We all have the original side, but also needs to be polished. As human beings, we are all on the evolutionary journey of becoming the better self somehow, not to fit conventional standards, but to be original, unique, and innovative. We can discover ways to break convention thinking, stimulate creativity, be original and be ourselves by setting time aside to allow an idea or a problem to incubate. It is in combination with immediate learning that gives way to generate insight; develop innovation, and advance modern societies constantly.


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