Tuesday, June 20, 2023


It’s critical to take a mixed approach of top-down, bottom-up, inside-out, outside-in, middle-out, and cross-functional system wide to lead business toward clearly defined vision seamlessly.

The rate of change has accelerated, indicating that companies must learn how to strike a balance between managing complex issues today and predicting the uncertain issues of tomorrow. There are barriers to innovation, and there are numerous pitfalls on the way of business transformation. 

To deal with the “pale, stale, and failing” pattern properly, it’s important to take an overarching approach that has to dig underneath the surface, take holistic management to build organizational competency. The future of the organization needs to be solid enough to give some sort of form and open enough to its environment, allowing movement of people, ideas, and information smoothly, leading business forward with steadfast speed.

It’s critical to clarify vision, goals, harness communication, idea sharing and business innovation: Due to the “VUCA” characteristics of the business dynamic, rapid changes and overwhelming growth of information, leading business toward the uncharted water takes clear vision and clarified communication. You should get to know the external changing connected environment or the entire business ecosystem. In a way, business leaders are destined to look forward, and in doing so, see both the past and the future in front of them, They have to spend sufficient energy and time on resolving the tensions between future possibilities and past experience; bridge the gap between "where they are" and "where they want to be."

In reality, businesses sometimes look pale and make the organization “lost in the dark '' if management is not fully prepared for the upcoming disruptions. Running a high performance organization is about harnessing cross-functional communication and real-time collaboration to create multiple pathways for business transformation. The challenge is to prioritize what you know about and keep an eye open for signs of things you don't know about. Put a stronger emphasis on empowering people, building a strategic roadmap, exploring the source of knowledge, and improving business people-centricity.

It is essential for the entire company to be pulling in the right direction by allocating resources, time, and assets scientifically: If you don’t understand the business deeply, you can’t understand business strength and weakness; figure out critical leverage points to create business synergy. Impediments to collaboration is a dissonance between upper and middle management or middle management and front line employees. There are connections between business alignment, architecture, and integration. if all being handled seamlessly, business accountability can be enforced across organizational hierarchy; business structure can be fine tuned to increase flexibility, people are able to unlock their performance and become more innovative to business success.

Organizational development and people management need to manage the conflict between the classic style and the holistic style of management to make a seamless paradigm shift. The solution comes from within the people, as well as the organization as the collective whole. Break down silo, slow or clumsy processes, apply holistic methodologies and practices to align people, process, and technology to build dynamic business capabilities.

It's important to take a structural approach to discover and build opportunities in creating new meaningful sources of value to customers: Because the ways of doing business and meeting customer expectations both tend to be more flexible than the siloed industrial age. Every company needs a structural strategic planning process and a holistic management cycle to benchmark that plans to operations. It is about building integral business capabilities to process information almost real time; break down the silos to harness collaboration with the business counterparts, explore opportunities to create business value and provide quality products or services to delight customers.

The dynamic business needs to be elaborated in a well-organized effort, be open to fresh insight, be informative to decide, be elastic to scale, be flexible to provide choices; and be resilient to fail forward. It’s important to structure management without adding too much bureaucracy, streamline business flow, generate winning concepts on a consistent basis, to achieve sustainable business advantage. It’s about understanding the interconnectivity between problems in a managerial context, and striking the multitude of balances which impact each other to improve the overall business maturity.

Companies today need to understand the dynamic competitive landscape, their interdependence with the environment, and look for partners that can work together to deal with common concerns and scale up business capacity. It’s critical to take a mixed approach of top-down, bottom-up, inside-out, outside-in, middle-out, and cross-functional system wide to lead business toward clearly defined vision seamlessly.


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