“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” - Sun Tzu

EA is strategic to
convey the vision and tactical to bring reality, as it defines (1) the
future business process and business technology state; and (2) the
relationships between vision, strategy, processes, and technology. EA that
focuses on all the details will fail because of the 'boiling the ocean' problem
but conversely, EA that pays no attention at all to the details risks becoming
unrealistic and impractical. A comprehensive enterprise architecture
provides a single dynamic picture and multiple views of the business as it is,
and as it will be.
EA is strategic in
its nature, and highly tactical in its applicability. EA is about
describing the business as a complete system. Consider that EA has to be
multi-disciplinary, you can see that without a clear
alignment with the company directives then the EA role gets diluted into a solution
architect, which mostly operates the intra-operational unit. If it isn’t cross-organizational and strategic. If it isn't about integration or standardization, then it isn't EA. It is
solution architecture.
Remaining engaged is
what prevents EA from becoming academic. “Remaining engaged" means
being aware of the difficulties encountered when trying to execute strategy and helping to get past them. It is a matter of judgment - the implementers on
the ground are the experts and they probably know better the right tactical
solutions - they don't need inappropriate interference from EAs. But this
doesn't mean "leaving all the messy implementation details to
others". Standards, principles, guidelines, informal guidance can be
managed via EA engagement.
EA provides guidance that does not make it tactical by nature. While tactical realizations are
underway, EA focus remains on ensuring that the business and IT strategies stay
aligned, and EA is the glue between strategy and execution. There are two risks in
EA getting into too much tactical:
1) ineffective or inappropriate meddling
2) losing focus on strategic and important issues.
1) ineffective or inappropriate meddling
2) losing focus on strategic and important issues.
EA Governance is
essential to the success of a tactical process, yet tactical realizations
of the strategy are a separate function altogether. EA Governance includes:

2) 'Receiving' feedback from execution into where strategy needs to be modified (because it is unrealistic or too costly to implement or doesn't actually fit, stretch or match the position on the ground or ....). Yes, this is EA Governance.
Perhaps one of the most valuable things EA brings is an 'explicatory semantic interpretation service' in bridging the divides- It is generally recognized that a cultural gap has grown up between the business people and the technologists - and this is often expressed as "speaking different languages". EA can bridge the divides by explaining to the business culture in their terms (and semantics) what the technology and systems mean to their enterprise, and conversely to the technologists what the business environment means to their technology and systems. That would be strategically important. Perhaps the characteristics of the EA should include a little linguistics, a little psychology and a little philosophy, along with all the other things like business and technology knowledge
Based on all analysis above, could it mean the 'golden ratio' of EA is 70% strategy and 30% tactic? And any EA should be able to operate on such a ratio with well-setting metrics at each level. EA is a strategic and non-technical exercise, and at another level, EA is a tactical and technical exercise.
“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” - Sun Tzu
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