Creativity is emerged as one of the most desired qualities for digital workers.
Digital age has the “VUCA” characteristics - Velocity, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. The combination of ever more rapid technology changes, information abundance, and a multi -generational workforce will have more influence over our collective way of life than any time in memory. Therefore, the future of talent management also needs to be changed. The age of disruption has taught us to be nimble in our ability to assess the environment. With so much data available and with the reconstructed definition of "talent," organizations are facing increased pressures to be adaptive. The future of work will involve those associated with hiring to gather more pertinent information on talent and evolve from the mentality of making "safe hires" via search for keywords in the resume, and more toward the social hiring - track the digital footprint of talent people to discover who they are and "who can make a difference to our organization." And some say, today’s digital professionals also have such “VUCA” traits:

Value - Value is multidimensional but also very specific. To really recognize value, we must value everything. People’s mindsets, skills, capabilities, emotions and weaknesses, our professional goals, our relationships, nature, society at large. Only then can we strike a balance without compromising the value of any person or anything. If you treat everyone and everything as valuable then deal with your own biases, everyone starts with a level playing field. Value is very specific. It depends on how one would define value and interpret it to fit the mold or apply criteria to create the desired value. Value is also multidimensional, such as personal value, ethical values, principal values, and cultural values, etc. You can not determine a value of someone based on observation, statistics, or assumptions. However, you can experience the value of someone directly or indirectly through engagements or interactions with that someone or a group of people. Since we now have the most diversified workforce ever, Managing diversity in the workplace is one of the most important issues now and on future.
Understanding -The ability to understand is due to the intellect present within the person to recognize patterns and create meaning. Understanding requires a person's ability to grasp or comprehend information. Too often assumptions and prejudices get in the way of understanding. It is the responsibility of each to examine themselves and to make sure they are open to true understanding. Assumptions and prejudices are due to lack of deeper understanding. So far wisdom and knowledge has evolved in humans with their eyes and ears open to understanding. Understanding has happened to human, which is a reflection of the intellect that has evolved. An understanding mind has better ability to adapt to changes and make fair judgment and decisions.

Adaptation - With increasing speed of changes, the ability to adapt to change also becomes more crucial than ever. An adaptive mind has better learning capability, being resilient, like water that can flow. Each person has a different level of knowledge (the consciousness about a problem) and reacts to environmental changes, with behaviors that are strictly linked with the information they have and with the way other people share and collaborate with them. Therefore, knowledge management will be a huge factor in the workplace of tomorrow. With all the access to information that is available, and becoming more accessible by the year, managing knowledge from that information will be crucial. The future looks to have more real-time sharing of information and knowledge across industries and professions of the likes we have not seen yet. Sifting that information and capturing what's value to the organization will take savvy and speed to be on the leading edge.
With "VUCA" characteristics of digitalization, Talent Management will see the urgency of being innovative - because the frequent digital disruption is inevitable and ideally, "hiring for digital minds" with “VUCA” traits discussed above should be common practice for talent managers to take innovative initiatives, set the course for people management, culture management, and business growth in a digital way.
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