IT Value is based on transforming data into intelligence and brings insight and wisdom into the workplace.
IT plays a pivotal role in digital transformation of the organization, because IT is the only entity in the organization supposed to understand business entirely and oversight organizational processes horizontally, IT needs to be able to provide innovative solutions or supply differentiated services that contribute to both top line growth and the bottom line success of the organization. IT needs to become business’s innovation engine, rather than just tools. IT is the “whole brain” of an organization to bring wisdom into the workplace. Besides triple “I”s - Information, Innovation, and Integration, triple “A”s - Automation, Analysis, and Agility, triple “C”s - Change, Collaboration, and Cloudification, triple “P”s - Principle, Process, and Performance, triple “E”s Enablement, Exploration, and Effectiveness & Efficiency, triple “V”s - Vision, Value, and Variety, triple “F”s - Fast, Flow, and Flexibility; triple "T" factors - Transformation, Transparency, and Talent Management; triple “S” factors: Strategy, Speed, and Simplicity; triple “D” factors - Data, DevOp, and Design; triple “Q”s - Quality, Quantity, and Questioning; triple “G”s - Gap minding, Governance, and Gauging Performance, here we introduce three “W” factors in running a high-intelligent digital IT.

Workforce Analytics: IT management is about having the right people to get the right information at the right time to make the right decision, and creating a work environment that helps your company meet its business goals. If people are a company’s most invaluable asset, companies cannot afford to ignore the analytics of their current or future workforce. Workforce analytics are finally starting to get some attention and should be a huge growth field in the coming years. Established workforce analytics takes time and patience while getting the collection of correct data, cleaning the data, and setting up automated feeds from the data source systems. However, the time and energy are worth the effort if it can achieve the expected result. Workforce information can be used to determine talent movements, benefits preferences, reward program acceptance, and cost - just to name a few of the benefits.There isn't any general rule on how to drive workforce performance, a process could be put in place to understand what flaws are in place, impeding a good performance and its improvement. IT needs to work closely with HR to manage people in more intellectual ways.
Water-scrum-fall Hybrid Methodology: Agile emerges as a major methodology with a set of principles to run IT projects in many IT organizations, but often, especially for large projects, the hybrid model to mix Waterfall’s structure and Agile’s iteration is practical and flexible. And“Water-Scrum-fall is a hybrid approach to application lifecycle management that combines Waterfall and Scrum development methodologies.A flexible approach that embraces both traditional and Agile development principles allows development teams to use whatever practices and techniques best meet the needs of the problem being solved. Many organizations use Agile principles and Scrum communication techniques in their day-to-day product development but employ traditional Waterfall methodologies for planning, budgeting or documenting the project’s progress. “
Wisdom Management: Wisdom in workplace means to empower people with the right tools and information at the right time, in dealing with the varying situations wisely. Modern Information Management not only manage data and information but also abstract insight and wisdom via advanced analytics, it’s the full life cycle of data-information-insight-wisdom management. Wisdom in the workplace is possessing the knowledge of your workplace inside out and having the ability to pass on that knowledge to others. Knowledge life cycle is managed very effectively in such workplace; it means that raw data has been transformed into information smoothly; information has meaningful connections as facts or ideas to provide business insight, information is further refined into knowledge; knowledge is information having value in a context which flow freely in a highly intellectual organization. Employees will grow and advance in such organizations also having the patience to observe, knowing how to allow your wisdom and experience to lead your words and actions. Wisdom in the workplace is about cultivating intelligent and empathic leadership and management team, driving fully engaging employees and building a high-performing team.
Business paradigm is shifting from industrial era to information/digital era, IT value needs to reflect such shift. IT Value is based on transforming data into intelligence and brings insight and wisdom into the workplace. The solutions IT delivers to the enterprise is transforming data and information into knowledge and intelligence. The ability to incubate, grow, protect and leverage intellectual capital is the greatest value that any IT organization can provide its enterprise.
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