We still live in the era in which information is rich and insight is poor.
“Digital Gaps -Bridging Multiple Gaps to Run Cohesive Business” is a guide book to help digital leaders and professionals today identify, analyze, and mind multiple gaps with multidisciplinary insight and holistic understanding. Today’s digital organization simply just can’t stand still. Bridging the 'gap of opportunity' between where you are and want to become is a welcomed challenge and a stepwise approach to making a leap of digital transformation.

1 Today’s digital organizations simply just can’t stand still. Bridging the 'gap of opportunity' between where you are and want to become is a welcomed challenge.
2 We still live in the era in which information is rich and insight is poor.
3. The real critical thinking has creativity embedded deeply in the thought processes, and it has the ability to catch the trends and discover hidden connections.
4 Silo thinking builds the wall in people’s mind and sets barriers in humans’ heart.
5 In the real, physical world or business world, most relationships are nonlinear.
6 With increasing rate of changes, the organization needs to be adapted in such a way that it can respond effectively to the dynamic changes and to the variety in the environment.
7 Human’s mind is the most valuable thing to shape every progress, but also the root cause of all mankind problems.
8 The depth of perspective and strength of character are what make thinking profound.
9 Perception is the way one’s eyes see the surrounds and one’s mind interprets it.
10 Insight is a perception beyond the thought, a multi-dimensional cognizance, and it’s the experience to explore oneself, surrounds and beyond.
11 Knowledge pertains to knowing and to intelligence while wisdom has to do with the soundness of judgment.
12 The more gaps a leader can bridge, the more significant influence she or he can make.
13 The primary role of leadership is about creating change while the primary objective for management is creating order.
14 Trust is a collective mind - the corporate culture. You can’t build and nourish trust without creating a conducive environment of trust.
15 From a leadership perspective, the liking has to be qualified and be able to garner respect.
16 The substance of leadership will never change, it is about the direction to change.
17 Top leadership roles are supposed to be the guiding force in the enterprise, envisioning and leading the business towards its future.
18 All leaders need to ask questions, but they also need to assist in providing answers, to bridge the gap between questions and answers.
19 Be humble to learn; be hungry for the insight; be skillful to frame the right questions and behold to the metrics.

21 Transformation is about why and what, and transaction is about how.
22 Having a title only doesn’t make one a leader; talented people without a title don’t follow blindly, they practice leadership via influence.
23 Leadership is all about change.
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"Digital Gaps" Google Books Order Link
"Digital Gaps" Introduction
"Digital Gaps" Chapter 1 Cognitive Gaps
"Digital Gaps" Chapter 2 Leadership Gaps
"Digital Gaps" Chapter 3 Management Gaps
"Digital Gaps" Chapter 4 Capability Gaps
"Digital Gaps" Chapter 5 Professional Gaps
"Digital Gaps" iBook Order Link
"Digital Gaps" Amazon Order Link
"Digital Gaps" Google Books Order Link
"Digital Gaps" Introduction
"Digital Gaps" Chapter 1 Cognitive Gaps
"Digital Gaps" Chapter 2 Leadership Gaps
"Digital Gaps" Chapter 3 Management Gaps
"Digital Gaps" Chapter 4 Capability Gaps
"Digital Gaps" Chapter 5 Professional Gaps
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