Thursday, September 12, 2024

BoD’s Personas

 Balancing scrutiny between being critical and supportive requires a thoughtful approach that emphasizes collaboration, evidence-based feedback, and community engagement. 

Governance is about steering the organization in the right direction and running at the proper speed. The directorship in any organization must be able to adapt to changes, build competency to advise, inspire, and motivate; and play multiple leadership roles fluently, Balancing scrutiny between being critical and supportive is essential for effective governance. 

Adopt the Role of a "construct critic": Corporate board directors oversee business strategy and provide advice to business management. Scrutiny should act as a "critical friend," providing constructive feedback while supporting decision-makers in their roles. This involves being both challenging and supportive, aiming to enhance decision quality and improve business strategy effectiveness. 

Take the persona as "Scrutineers": Scrutineers should understand the objectives of corporate decision-makers and use evidence to critique and refine their priorities and methods. This two-way relationship fosters a collaborative environment where both parties can learn and improve. Establish Clear Terms of Reference: Clear guidelines and objectives for the scrutiny process help define the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved. Scrutiny committees should have well-defined terms of reference that outline their purpose, scope, and methods. This clarity helps maintain focus and ensures that scrutiny is seen as a constructive process.

 Play a role as a "culture inspector": Engage in constructive dialogue. Effective GRC scrutiny involves open communication and dialogue between scrutineers and decision-makers. This helps to create a culture of trust and collaboration. Allow decision-makers to express their challenges and constraints. This dialogue should focus on problem-solving rather than blame. Encourage a Culture of Openness. Fostering an environment where decision-makers are open to scrutiny and feedback is essential for effective governance. Leaders should promote a culture that values transparency and encourages staff to view scrutiny as an opportunity for growth rather than a threat. This can be achieved through training and leadership support.

Play a role as a “Picky Advisor": Focus on Evidence-Based Recommendations: Scrutiny should be grounded in robust evidence and data, ensuring that critiques are well-founded and constructive. Scrutineers should gather a variety of evidence and perspectives before making recommendations. This approach helps ensure that feedback is relevant and actionable, promoting a culture of improvement.

Take a role as an "Inclusive Inspector": Utilize Diverse Perspectives. Bringing in external voices and expertise can enhance the scrutiny process and provide fresh insights. Co-opting external experts or community representatives onto scrutiny committees can help broaden the scope of discussions and ensure that multiple viewpoints are considered.

Balancing scrutiny between being critical and supportive requires a thoughtful approach that emphasizes collaboration, evidence-based feedback, and community engagement. By adopting the role of a "critical friend," fostering open dialogue, and prioritizing public concerns, scrutiny can effectively contribute to improved decision-making and governance.


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