Thursday, September 12, 2024


The digital organization expands and amplifies its influence with the ability to create new business models and run a platform business in a hyperconnected digital ecosystem.

Digital transformation is about hyperconnectivity and interdependence, always-on, and information savvy. With advances of emerging digital technologies and tools, organizations can develop cohesive business platforms, integrate business processes into differentiated organizational competencies, to scale up and take a courageous path of going digital in a structural way. 

Obstacles to overcome: However, due to the overwhelming growth of information and frequent disruptions, some key challenges faced by the platform include:

-Unclear business vision and strategy: Many companies struggle to define a clear vision and strategy for their platform initiatives.

-Infeasible business model and monetization: Developing a viable business model and monetization approach for the ecosystem can be challenging.

-Overly tech-focused approach: Some companies focus too much on the technology aspects rather than the business and ecosystem elements.

-Governance issues: Establishing the right governance model is critical. Weaknesses in governance are a leading cause of ecosystem failures.

Balancing openness and control: Finding the right balance between open and closed elements of the ecosystem is challenging but important for growth and quality.

Scaling before expanding scope: Many ecosystems try to do too much too soon, rather than focusing on scaling a core offering first before expanding.

Chicken-or-egg problem: Attracting sufficient participation from both customers and contributors to reach critical mass is a common challenge.

Organizational culture shift: Moving from a traditional business mindset to a platform approach often requires significant cultural changes.

Partner collaboration: Effectively collaborating with ecosystem partners and aligning incentives can be difficult.

Measuring success: Defining and measuring platform success metrics is not always straightforward.

Technology integration: Integrating various technologies and systems across ecosystem participants presents technical challenges.

Regulatory and compliance issues: Navigating regulations across different markets and industries within an ecosystem can be complex.

The digital organization expands and amplifies its influence with the ability to create new business models, and run a platform business in a hyperconnected digital ecosystem - treat customers, suppliers, and channel partners who can integrate the modular capabilities exposed in a powerful platform to create new experiences and expand its impact. The challenges above highlight the multifaceted nature of developing and managing a successful platform approach, requiring careful strategy, execution, and ongoing management to overcome.


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