Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Big or Small

For in big and small moments, our voices could be loud or gentle; every turning point matters, every story is true…

A tiny spark can light the night,

A small good deed can make -

things look all right.

From the smallest kindness to -

the big effort to make progress, 

Every little bit helps the world align.

Big or small, people here and there,

Every thoughts counts, 

we’ll weave them together;

From the whispers of hope to -

the roars of the unconventional wisdom,

In the ideas we shape, 

we learn how to make an influence.

Big or small, people rise and fall,

Every action counts, 

we’ll see how they work;

From a small endeavor to-

a big paradigm,

In the purpose underneath, 

we learn how to -

make things meaningful.

So whether you’re climbing of -

mountains so high,

or diving into the ocean so deep,

understanding the value of great things;

finding lessons in the history passing by...

Big or Small,

let’s embrace the great initiatives, 

no matter the size and shapes,

For in big and small moments, 

our voices could be loud or gentle.

Every turning point matters, 

every story is true,

In the nuance of influence,

 it’s all about making -

collective progress.


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