Monday, December 16, 2024


Every stumble brings us closer to the vision we perceive; every hand makes us feel warm inside…

Change is part of the new normal,

obstacles are hidden at -

different corners;

through the darkest moments, 

toughest time,

are we able to -

find a guiding light,

rejuvenate ourselves?

With the journey,

we keep on moving, 

can we leave-

solid footsteps without-

letting ourselves fall;

in the face of every test & trial, 

shall we learn to -

stand up firm;

With common beliefs,

holding us together,

are we able to-

push the world forward...


Every stumble brings us closer to-

the vision we perceive;

every hand makes us -

feel warm inside;

with value as the anchor, 

we’ll embrace the rising tide;

with agility as a paddle,

we can ride above the learning curve;

in this valley's embrace, 

we’ll nurture our talent;

with a guts full of courage, 

we’ll reach out for

the land of wisdom...

Through the storms we’ve weathered, 

we’ve learned to stand our ground,

each challenge that we faced,

has only made us strong;

in the midst of the struggle, 

we found our inner drive,

in the shadow of differences, 

we’ll forge brighter underground,

with resilience as our compass, 

we're able to make deep influence...



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