Speaking an encouraging word, perhaps like pushing the right button, can motivate people to perform the best.
It is correct that people give their best when getting motivated. An unmotivated individual or team cause low morality, or lack of energy. But what are those unmotivating factors, and as a leader, what's your sets of favorite words to "push the right button" for motivating people?

Trust: Trust people by empowering them as being part of the team. It allows them to take ownership of processes, issues, departments, projects, etc. Sometimes unwilling they may be but as part of the team you forget those unmotivating factors, and as a team, you are bound to achieve results. After coaching and training personnel, let them go and do the job. If they make a bad decision, counsel them so that they know how to make a better decision next time.
Belief: When people "believe" they have the skills, know what to do, know how to assess a problem or develop a solution, who can help, they have the motivation to achieve. As leaders, when you "believe" in someone, you show it through giving them control to do what needs to be done and thanking them for achieving results. When employees know that you believe in them, that they can perform and do their roles at the risk of failing, they will always give you their best effort.
Yes: Some think the best word to motivate people is "Yes." This is the acknowledgment that your employee, co-worker or business partner had a great idea and should act on it. Although there are times when a definitive "yes" is not appropriate, as people feel more empowered and engaged in the business, you will find it will becoming a greater part of your business vocabulary.
Thanks: It is the word that includes a lot of motivation if we would use one word: "Thanks" satisfies a multitude of emotions - confidence, worth, qualified, capable, competence. Not only should you be recognizing your employees but also colleagues with whom you work. Teamwork and awareness of others' strengths are just as mutually empowering. Thanks are great for motivation but following it up with 'I appreciate that you...' gives it some more substance. Showing appreciation is much more rare and clarifying the traits or actions which you appreciate helps that person know exactly what they've done right, empowering them to repeat that behavior.
"EACH" acronym as: Empowerment / Accountability/ Courage /Humility. This describes the inclusive leadership style which target is to get the best out of the people's potential while having a great team that includes everyone.
Impact: empowering and suggestive of "making a difference," whether it's a leadership role that uses a shared company vision and the idea of employees being a part of something bigger than themselves or an individual with a dream. It's inspiring to step up to something greater than oneself and reach their own potential, to believe in themselves and go out and make an impact in the world.
Engagement: It offers a foundation to build ideas upon. Engagement goes both ways; the leader is sending out information but also listening to the receiver. The receiver of the information should also be processing information through communication feedback and by asking questions. You can't build trust or establish good communication if you don't engage with people. The leader can articulate the goal and why the goal is important. People can then become motivated by the conversation through listening and asking questions through the engagement process. At the end of the day, people want to be heard and are satisfied when they are.
Motivating people via those great words, they will be delightful to do the work because they have been listened to and understand why they are doing it, they are more engaged in the work and bring up the high-performance result.
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