Philosophy is the compass of human civilization; psychology is the knowledge and insight of human's mind, and technology is the disruptive force behind the digital transformation.
Digital transformation represents a break from the past, with a high level of impact and complexity, Transformation efforts need to be undertaken as the means of getting to a differentiated capability to accomplish a defined goal. It is important to leverage multidisciplinary knowledge as well as taking a structural approach to making radical changes in the underlying processes and functions. Here are philosophy, psychology, and technology behind the digital transformation.

Digital Era opens the new chapter of human progress; and philosophy is the compass of human civilization: Philosophy is a Greek portmanteau of the love of wisdom. Digital philosophy is simply in pursuit of a holistic understanding of the hyperconnected digital business world and discover a better way to do things. Philosophy is always important to “better understand evolution and harness its power to serve human purposes.” Digital technologies are the digital catalyst and change vehicle, and digital philosophy is the principle to guide through the business transformation. Science is grounded in philosophy; without philosophy, science might lose its direction; without science, philosophy seems to be empty. In terms of our need for philosophy in the digital era, we need it more than ever because philosophy is the compass of human civilization. As the digital world becomes so hyperconnected and dynamic, it’s no surprise that we will see more of a sharing between disciplines of philosophy, neuroscience, physics, psychology, and technology for solving complex problems and overcoming common challenges. In fact, trans or interdisciplinary science should be applied to management with integrating multidisciplinary methodology, it enables leaders to frame bigger thinking boxes, and approach problems via multi-faceted way technically, scientifically and culturally.
Understanding the psychology behind changes is also a prerequisite for making a leap of digital transformation: Change just cannot happen with people who resist changes. What is more interesting is what drives people's perspective. Manage changes at the mindset level. Psychology is the knowledge and insight of our mind. But you don't need to be a psychologist to understand change mentality. There is a distinct relationship between a person's emotional state and small or expansive thinking. When people experience a state of anxiety or uncertainty, they tend to drift back to the comfort zone of small thinking and getting their minds around points of detail. Those lack of vision are either incentivized incorrectly to focus only on the short-term stability; inexperienced outside of the small field in which they operate; too focused on their own self-preservation; or have no energy or desire left to think long term. Hence, it is important to understand the psychology behind changes. When that anxiety is removed and they experience more certainty, they have the courage to think more expansively. So, the challenge with change is to create emotional states and psychological perspective for people to reduce anxiety and become more open to new ideas and perspectives and get more evolved in the journey of digital transformation.

The shift to digital cuts across sectors, geographies and leadership roles. The digital transformation is now spreading rapidly to enable organizations of all shapes and sizes to reinvent themselves. But dealing with the challenge of digital transformation requires accelerated digital mindsets, leveraging multidisciplinary knowledge and insight, taking an end-to-end response and a structural approach. It is important to understand the philosophy, psychology, and technology behind the digital transformation. The need of the time is to design the institutions and societies to be a well-balanced digital ecosystem with the abundance of energy and sustainable advantages. At the high maturity level, organizations have to stretch out in every business dimension for driving the full-fledged digital transformation, in order to adapt to the new world of the business.
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