People who can solve problems in a new way are the innovators.
The business world becomes over-complex and hyperconnected, problem-solving turns to be increasingly challenging, also the crucial capability either for either digital professionals or the business leaders today. Problem-solving is about identifying a problem and actually finding a tailored solution to that problem. Ultimately addressing the correct need is what determines the right problem. Many think the lack of high-skillful problem-solvers with the flexible problem-solving mindset to gain an in-depth understanding of the problem is a significant problem for the world. Here are five digital credos for problem-solving.

Future is the most difficult problem of our era: Problem-solving is all about fixing something not working in order to make collective progress. The past holds comforting thoughts in times of great stress or pain. So, in some ways, the past is always present. It has value for the lesson learned. Learn from the past problems and challenges along with encouraging others to learn from the problems that have happened, and believe that problems are the opportunity to show others you're a good problem-solver. However, the positive and forward-looking view is more about thinking ahead, to prepare and face the challenges and uncertainty on the way to the future. Future is the most difficult problems of our era, especially the life cycle of business today grows shorter and shorter, the business problems are also becoming much complex. The further the future impact, the harder it is for those living in today to see any reason to care. It takes truly strategic thinking and foresight to run a business, learn from its historical root (past), keep the light on (today) and make a long-term plan, solving numerous problems, and overcome the challenges on the way, to move into the future. The past is the time beyond reach. The future is time being created.
You have to be able to look objectively at the problem, deflating the emotional part of it: Many problems are tough and complex, and there are different sort of emotions behind it. For example, anger is definitely a problem/challenge people have to deal with. Anger in many situations is detrimental on many levels. When you’re upset or angry, you’re not effectively listening, which requires some emotional intelligence to be able to recognize when you’re in such a situation. When problems arise, it’s usually best to pause and reflect before reacting. when pausing you are giving your brain time to move beyond the initial emotional reaction and apply some analytical thinking to the issue. Ask for others feedback on what they believe the problem to be but also be prepared to hear something you might not like or agree with. So often is the case, it is your own reaction to problems/challenges that are the problem/challenge.
Progress is in simplification, which often follows complexity: Generally speaking, the problem-solving scenario is to simplify and optimize, not the other way around. Progress is in simplification, which often follows complexity. People are complex by nature, but to dwell on complexity is to complicate an implicate order that is naturally simple. When pioneering and solving problems, initial solutions are often more complex than required, and then adoption and progress come with simplification. Getting to simple is not easy for most people because they rather follow the traditions or conventional wisdom, they don't bother to remove the dust around them or want to question the unknown, or challenge the status quo, out of fear. The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary hassles so that the necessary can speak out. The progress is in simplicity. “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.” - Albert Einstein
Flexibility is a mental process which results in an action that tests a possible solution: For those who are trying to solve problems, they may find the problems evolving as they try different solutions. One of the biggest challenges in this complex digital world is the fact that we need different perspectives, different knowledge and different ways to solve a problem. There are many complex problems that may be difficult to tame. People with a flexible mind can work as a team more seamlessly, but also professionally. Sometimes there is no "one" answer, there are some, or many, That is why what is first of all needed is to think as a team via embracing the collective wisdom. People with a flexible mind can work as a team more seamlessly, but also professionally. Things either work or they do not, but always be open to explore an alternative way to do things. That action is creativity, and that attitude is flexibility. Build a working environment encourages collaborative thinking, to identify common, yet flexible process focuses on outcomes without micromanagement and creates a sense of urgency as well.
The answer from yesterday is not as critical as the questions about the future: The world is transforming from personal computing into digital computing, from knowledge scarcity to information abundance, the answer about yesterday is not as critical as the questions about the future. As Albert Einstein wisely put, “We can’t solve the problem with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Asking questions is a non-offending way of making the point not only understanding the point of view of another side.The key point is to use the right questions to slow down the analysis and decision-making processes sufficiently to acquire all the necessary information to make a correct decision. As in many instances, there is a perception that leaders should be the most experienced people and thus, have all of the answers. That’s a fallacy. The art of question is much more about open communications, we all desire to seek and participate conversations, it’s the part of human nature, and the whole world can engage in a big conversation to change for the better future.
We all develop reputations - for being problem creators, problem definers or problem solvers. There is an importance of introspection to assess the part you played in the problem. No one person or entity is always the source of problems, likewise, no one person will be the panacea to problems, but with teamwork, amicable solutions can be achieved. People who can solve problems in a new way are the innovators.
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