The new breed of digital organizations is adaptive, fast and antifragile. Being digital, not just doing digital.
Digital transformation represents the next stage of business maturity which will improve how the enterprise works and interacts with its ecosystem. They have to stretch out in every business dimension with the customer at the center of its focus. High mature digital organizations should build the high-level digital capabilities, not only master innovations but also drive enterprise-wide digital transformation effortlessly. Here is a set of digital credos to run high-performance digital organizations.

A high-mature digital organization is shifting from “pushing” stuff to the digital channels into “pulling” resources up for problem-solving: Change becomes the new normal, and the speed of change is increasing significantly. Organizations today need to constantly “push themselves” out of the comfort zone to improve the business and seeing change as an opportunity while keeping a holistic overview of the organization. The advanced digital workforce continues to depoliticize working culture, dismantle bureaucracy, solve business problems via multi-dimensional thinking processes and multiple solutions. The ultimate goal is to push the organization to be clear about its position via the company's core business strategy and pull all the resources for achieving the multilevel of the business excellence. To achieve such a state of effortless digital flow and dynamic balance, they also have to pull both hard and soft business elements together to build the differentiated business competency.
Running, growth and transformation are all important stages for the business’s survival and thriving: Keeping business running is where the money is made on a daily basis, but it is not just about keeping the lights on, it has to be maintained and even better improved constantly. And investing in business growth is crucial, The strategic execution has a longer-term perspective, the answers are easier to find when you ask why is it more important to keep the lights on now versus making sure the lights are on next year or three years or five years from now as well. Running, growth and transformation are all important stage for the business’s survival and thriving, the point is how to leverage the resources and tools to strike the right balance, for keeping the business running, but also investing for long-term prosperity.
Re-imaging the future of business is exciting, but investigating the different path for unleashing business potential needs to take a systematic approach and develop it into a more solid form: The goal of digital organizational structure tuning is to strike the delicate balance between solid and flow. The digital organizational structure needs to be solid enough to “keep things in order,” but also fluid enough to interact with the expanded digital ecosystem seamlessly. Compared to the traditional organization as the mechanical system to keep spinning, digital organizations today are more like the organic living system which keeps growing. to keep things flowing with responsiveness, changeability, and agility of the organization. Digital organizations are all about information savvy, responsiveness, adaptation, high-performance, and speed. The digital paradigm that is emerging is the digital organization that is organic, vibrant, energetic, fluid, innovative, and holistic. It provides a more intensive and effective working environment enabling the organization to get all the right talented people in tackling challenges from all right angles all at once, for brainstorming and coming out the optimal solutions.
The “result” of micromanagement is perhaps tangible in the short run, but more often causes damage for the long term: High mature digital organizations break down the overly rigid organizational hierarchy, advocate self-management discipline, and avoid micromanagement pitfalls. Micromanagement generally has a negative connotation, it means the managers put too tight control on their employees or team or insignificant details, it perhaps causes more damage than benefit for the long run. Under micromanagement, often people perform based on fear or push, not via inspiration to encourage autonomy and creativity for discovering the better way to do things. The challenge, of course, is whether the benefits of an extremely detail oriented manager outweigh the damage - for the long term. Digital workforce management philosophy should focus on striking the right balance of "push & pull," and maximize the human capital return on investment.
Organizational maturity is not just about technical excellence or process efficiency, but also about business effectiveness, innovation, people-centricity, resilience, and speed: Enterprises have always been parts of simple or complex eco-systems. That is the fundamental nature of the marketplace and the environment within which the enterprise functions. In order to function, an enterprise has to be linked to the many and varied ‘touch points’ between itself and the marketplace environment of which it is a part. A business organization can only achieve the high performance via the seamless execution, by taking the collaboration road. So, thinking outside the current constraints and comfort zones requires a different vision and the courage to pursue it. That isn’t just an extension of continuous improvement of the current business. The key factor to the “transformational change” and its further “championing” has been the endless self-exploration and self-transformation in the material, emotional, intellectual and spiritual dimensions that need to co-evolve together.
Organizations of the future are increasingly exhibiting digital characteristics in various shades and intensity. The new breed of digital organizations is adaptive, fast and antifragile. Being digital, not just doing digital; digital maturity matters, it is indeed hard work - but everyone benefits.
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