Sunday, June 9, 2024

Big Data & AI

AI will continue to have phenomenal impacts on our society: improving medical systems, empowering businesses, and revolutionizing education, and transportation systems. 

AI and deep learning are the hot topics in recent years, and many conferences across the continents showcase AI-related products and solutions. The Big Data & AI Expo held in Northern CA is a professional conference with a comprehensive agenda, covering the breadth of AI-related presentations and depth of deep learning and analysis technology; providing strategic insights into the future impact of Gen AI across diverse sectors. 

Forward-looking organizations gain actionable intelligence for refining existing AI strategies, optimizing operations, and elevating business gains in well-established enterprises. The main discussion topics include such as 

AI Strategy, Scalability, Integration: 

Building scalable AI for real-world business impact is not just a technical endeavor; it’s a strategic imperative for companies aiming to stay competitive in today’s dynamic landscape.

Presentation: Building Scalable AI for Real-World Business Impact

Human Intelligence vs. Machine Intelligence: 

As AI systems become more advanced and human-like, how can businesses harness their power to augment human capabilities rather than replace them?

Presentation: How can Gen AI positively augment your workforce capabilities?

Workforce Transformation: Integration of AI tools in business operations enhances productivity and empowers employees to focus on strategic initiatives, driving efficiency and innovation within the organization.

Talent Acquisition and Retention: Organizations embracing AI attract and retain top talent by offering opportunities for skill development and meaningful work, positioning themselves as industry leaders, and driving long-term success.

Enterprise AI Strategies & Integration:

Delve into advanced strategies and crucial considerations tailored for enterprises deeply immersed in their AI integration journey.


Strategic Insights for Advanced AI Integration in Established Enterprises

It offered suggestions on how to develop actionable strategies for organizations to adapt and thrive in the evolving AI landscape, serving as a guide for industry leaders and policymakers to responsibly navigate the transformative potential of Gen AI.

Strategic insights into the future impact of Gen AI across diverse sectors:

The conference explores the imminent advancements in Gen AI that will define the next decade.


The Next Decade of Gen AI Progress – A Look at What’s Coming and How to Prepare

It delves into the convergence of machine learning, natural language processing, and neural architectures. It provides strategic insights into the future of Gen AI, with a focus on its impact across several sectors. 

AI for Revolutionizing Financial Forecasting

This presentation unveils a pioneering use case in the financial industry, where Gen AI catalyzes a transformative paradigm shift in forecasting methodologies. It delves into the evidence-based success story of a leading financial institution that has seamlessly integrated Gen AI to revolutionize its forecasting accuracy and decision-making processes.

Navigation of AI Deployment and Digital Transformation: 

The conference intends to demystify complexities surrounding AI deployment and help organizations navigate this transformative journey effectively.

Panel Discussion: Getting to Production-Ready – Challenges and Best Practices for Deploying AI

The discussions deep-dive into the critical considerations and strategies involved in successfully deploying AI solutions. It illuminated best practices, addressing issues ranging from model scalability and performance optimization to the importance of robust testing and ongoing monitoring.

The presentations explore how generative AI revolutionizes healthcare through automation and augmentation. Key topics include precision diagnostics, personalized treatment recommendations, and the pitfalls to avoid when implementing AI in healthcare. Attendees gained insights into the rapid evolution of generative AI, its applications in healthcare, and a practical framework for deploying AI solutions effectively.

Not only are the fruits of ML directly useful, but the impact ML has had on silicon architectures gives us a double bounty for more traditional spatial perception, awareness, and reasoning. All robots in a facility contribute to enabling robots to fully understand what is happening everywhere in a facility.

Presentation: AI-based robots that complement human workers in warehouse and factory floors, radically increasing efficiency.

By making robots human-centric first, the robots can increase both productivity and job satisfaction among hard-to-retain workers. Such robots not only offload the grunt work of moving physical objects within the facility but through human-centred interaction design the robots can offload much of the cognitive load from people by giving them cues on both where to direct their attention and monitoring task completion, enabling them to be much more productive in their work.

Vision-based SLAM outperforms LIDAR-based positioning and lets the robots know at all times exactly where they are in a shared map. Through mixed-initiative and cognitive support for workers our trials have shown productivity improvements of 30% to 40%. By being just the right amount of deferential to human workers the robots are not seen as either a safety or employment threat, and instead become valuable tools.

Deep Technical Aspects of AI-empowered Applications 

Workshop: Churn Modelling Tactics: AI meets Behavioral Science

A comprehensive deep dive into churn modeling that offers insights into tailoring the churn definition and crafting a robust machine learning (ML) pipeline that predicts churn accurately. Learn how to leverage a no-code ML platform to develop a model your sales team can use and take proactive measures to prevent at-risk accounts from churning.

Workshop: Best Practices for Building and Deploying a Personalized Recommendation Engine on a No-Code ML platform

The workshop introduces MLOps-as-a-solution for streamlining model deployment, automated retraining, and ensuring scalability and reliability. Explore the intersection of recommendation engines and Machine Learning Operations (MLOps), emphasizing the benefits of integrating MLOps practices to optimize and scale recommendation systems.

Presentation: Revolutionizing Learning, unleashing the Power of Generative AI in Education and Beyond

In an era where the volume of information overwhelms the human capacity to comprehend, the challenge of making knowledge accessible, personalized, and engaging is more pressing than ever. Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) stand at the vanguard of this revolution, offering unprecedented opportunities to transform how we learn and interact with information across various sectors, including public education and EdTech. 

This presentation will spotlight the transformative impact of these technologies, beginning with a deep dive into the current state of Generative AI and LLMs, both open-source and proprietary. By exploring the intricate relationship between language and knowledge, we unravel the potential of unstructured data for knowledge discovery and education. 

As we explore the mechanisms through which Generative AI leverages data, including training methodologies like fine-tuning and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), we will pinpoint high-value, low-risk applications that promise to redefine the educational landscape. The journey from a nascent idea to a fully operational AI solution is fraught with challenges, including ethical considerations and risks inherent in deploying AI solutions. Through the lens of a success story at Mesquite ISD, where Generative AI was leveraged to help students uncover their passions and aptitudes enabling the delivery of personalized learning experiences, this presentation will illustrate the practical benefits and transformative potential of Generative AI in education. 

Personalization & Cross-functional Collaboration: It discussed the best practices and future trends with a focus on the importance of cross-functional collaboration, version control, and real-time personalization.

Enhanced Customer Engagement: Leveraging AI enables businesses to personalize marketing, improve customer service, and anticipate needs, fostering stronger relationships and increasing customer loyalty.

Responsive and Ethic AI: With the rapid growth of AI, AI systems must be grounded and guided by ethical principles. Generative AI presents clear opportunities for productivity and other gains. But there are also well-documented risks with adoption,  especially from the perspective of a non-tech enterprise. How can you tell the difference? How do you navigate the delicate path between these risks and opportunities?

Presentation: Ensuring your AI is responsible and ethical

AI technologies are becoming increasingly advanced and integrated into people’s daily lives, this presentation will explore key considerations for building responsible and ethical AI.

Presentation: Risk and Opportunity – Adventures in Enterprise Adoption of AI

This presentation will cover effective strategies to measure and mitigate risks associated with Generative AI, including the use of red teaming, and evaluate its potential impact on business operations.

Forming a coherent enterprise-wide Generative AI policy, enforcing GRC disciplines for AI deployment: Software designs must mitigate known classes of vulnerabilities, enable swift recovery from inevitable breaches, and adapt to future evolutions in AI. Understand how to make responsible and reliable decisions to protect consumers from AI-enabled improvements.

-Determining proofs-of-concept to build trust within your organization

-How to assess risk using techniques and other approval mechanisms

-How to measure the business impact of Generative AI applications

Presentation: Enhancing AI Safety and Quality through Rigorous Testing and Evaluation

This discussion will emphasize the crucial role of testing in ensuring AI systems are safe, secure, and of high quality. The talk will address common challenges in AI development, such as bias and hidden stratification, and highlight the importance of comprehensive testing to overcome these issues. 

Presentation: AI & Analytics When Sensitive Data Is Involved

Businesses are at different levels of AI adoption and readiness, this presentation discussed some of the major risks to incorporating AI in companies and the way to better govern and secure sensitive data when AI is involved.

• What it means to be AI-ready

• The role of AI Governance in AI readiness

• How we take on the challenge at Satori

Presentation: On Track for Tomorrow – GEN AI & MLOps Revolutionizing the Rail Industry

Explore the transformative potential of Gen AI and MLOps in a variety of industrial sectors. 

Through real-world case studies and best practices, learn how Gen AI enables adaptive AI systems while MLOps streamlines the deployment and management of machine learning models. Discover how these cutting-edge technologies are reshaping operations by optimizing maintenance schedules, enhancing safety protocols, and improving overall efficiency.

Presentation: Finding High-Quality Training Data for Next-Gen AI

Great data underpins great models. But with so much data out there, how do you make sure that you’re using the right sources?

AI will continue to have phenomenal impacts on our society: improving medical systems, empowering businesses, and revolutionizing education, and transportation systems. However, software development, including AI development, must take a secure-by-design approach. Personalization, integration, and interdisciplinarity are important themes for using AI and other emerging technologies to deliver customer-centric solutions cost-effectively. 


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