Monday, June 3, 2024

How Come

From vast lands to opulent oceans; from virtual reality to - hidden realm, how come, so many places, we still cannot go; plenty of -puzzles not being solved...

The world changes -

so fast,

with landscapes,

delighting our eyes,

all year round;

How come,

people so hurry up,

boosting their steps without-

wandering around;

the sun has-

 just risen up,

coloring the  sky with -

fantastic style;

how come,

Folks don’t want to -


Summer starts -

picking up;

peach blossoms are-

almost gone;

how come pedestrians are-

 unaware of-

the aroma from-

 nature is -

not around.

She looks charming;

He has charisma,

but people ignore her,

despise him, 

their voices not being heard,

their stories not being told,

how come the world is cold,

in summertime?

Can they uncover -

the truth,

without giving up?

The scorching afternoon parches-

 the ground,

energy of -

metropolitan city,

stirs up;

how come,

folks do not feel tired,

stroll over -

the bustling streets,

all way long.

The trend just emerged,

fashion faded away,

how come,

people still chase around without-

follow their hearts…

The sun was -

already down;

the stars shine up,

people soak themselves into-

the lucid moonlight, 

gather around,

chat over,

break down-

 the solitude of -

quiet town;

how come,

they can’t ponder alone…

The deep night is -

approaching, gradually,

the light start -

 dimming down;

 winds blowing up, heavily,

in village farms;

how come,

groups of folks still hang around?

From vast lands to -

opulent oceans;

from virtual reality to -

hidden realm,

how come,

so many places,

we still cannot go;

plenty of -

puzzles not being solved;

how come,

we couldn’t trace back-

our origins:

connecting the dots of-

past, present, future, 



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