Monday, June 17, 2024

Innovator’s Flavor: Today’s Coffee & Tomorrow’s Tea

Today we sow, tomorrow we harvest; let’s taste coffee & tea of our kinds, favorably; explore our dynamic world, authentically.


we gather around to-

say hello to each other,

have a cup of coffee,

sugary & creamy,

boost our mentality to-

immerse into nature, enjoy -

brightly sunshine day, 


climb at the hilltop,

stroll over the oceanfront,

can we see further enough;

perceive holistically,

connect to -

the beautiful land,



are we expecting-

a stormy day coming?

Get together,

we sip -

a cup of tea,

bitter & sweet;

refresh ourselves, with

a bit of a nostalgic feeling inside…

 It’s time to -

say goodbye, 

as holidays are -

running out, promptly;

we have to -

head towards -

different destinations,

cross the states, continents,

the different stages of -

a life journey, individually.

Can we read tea leaves to-

predict what could be happening?

Rain keeps pouring, 

wind accompanied us to -

move to the next place, rapidly.

Western coffee,

Eastern Tea,

we taste them,

experiencing them,


today, we drink coffee,


we have a cup of tea;

does coffee stimulate us to-

act bold, via-

its robust flavor with-

  special aroma?

 can a cup of tea keep -

us focused,

think profoundly via -

its subtle floral taste?

Today, we sow,

tomorrow, we harvest;

coffee & tea plants grow in -

our vast land strongly;

boost our consciousness, 

lift our spirits,

to unify our diverse world with-

its cultural influence, significantly;

let’s taste coffee & tea of -

our kinds, favorably;

explore our dynamic world,



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