Monday, June 10, 2024

Innovator’s Oddball: How About

How about, we think a bit wild, fuel with passion, decide with- quick logic, work boundarylessly, act promptly, to generate novelty, shape a better world, all around the globe?

Our world is -

diverse and dynamic,

it’s hard to -

figure out -

what’s happening next;

vision gets blurred,

roads are not straight;

how about-

we see -

beyond obvious,

look underneath-

the surface;

take labyrinthic path, 

with serendipitous rhyme,

get the clue about-

new reality,

in order to-

 move upward, ultimately?

Billions of people co-share -

our beautiful planet,

we look the same,

also differently,

how about-

going across-

the boundaries,

to reach the other side,

know them deeply,

gain empathy,

discover common ground,

overcome tough challenges?

Global society is-

hyperconnected, interdependent,

problems turn to -

be more complex than ever,

the old methods, practices lose-

their steams, gradually;

how about, 

we try a bit harder,

work smarter,

broaden perspectives,

dig a few inches further,

to get new clues?

Change accelerated-

 its speed, 

information is growing,


how about,

we think a bit wild,

fuel with passion,

decide with-

quick logic,

work boundarylessly,

act promptly,

to generate novelty,

shape a better world,

all around the globe?



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