Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 Through creative flow, not only a great art piece is created, but also the artists express themselves creatively and share their ideas with others passionately. 

"Flow" refers to a mental state in which a person is fully immersed and focused on an activity, often experiencing a sense of effortless concentration and enjoyment. Art is a perception of the past, today or tomorrow, artistic flow involves artists’ creative work and their unique expression that audiences can perceive individually. 

 Imagine a painter standing in front of a blank canvas, with a palette of colors and a paintbrush in hand. As the painter begins to work, they become completely absorbed in the process of creating a piece of art. Time seems to pass quickly, and the painter feels a sense of deep engagement and dedication in the work.

The colors on the palette blend in harmony, and the brushstrokes flow effortlessly onto the canvas. The painter is not thinking about the result or distracted by any external noises but is instead fully immersed in the present moment and the creative process. They are in a state of "flow," where the boundaries between self and activity seem to dissolve, and the painter is fully engaged in the act of creation.

The painting begins to take shape, and the colors and brushstrokes coalesce into a beautiful image that reflects the artist’s unique vision and inspiration. The painter emerges from this state of flow feeling energized, fulfilled, and connected to their creative process. Through creative flow, not only a great art piece is created, but also the artists express themselves creatively and share their ideas with others passionately. 


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