Monday, July 1, 2024


It is possible that at some points on the digital journey we all experience so-called digital “super-consciousness,” with the transcendent movement to reach the next level of business maturity and collective progress. 

If consciousness makes us understand what happens; then superconscious will act on how you see things as they could be (superconscious). This, then, is what makes them different, they go against the inherent old habit of striving for a higher goal.

A superconscious organization can be characterized by a high level of collective awareness, where members are highly attuned to the organization's purpose, environment, and internal dynamics. 

Mindfulness Practices: The organization might incorporate mindfulness or other consciousness-expanding practices into its daily operations. Decision-making processes should balance analytical thinking with intuitive insights. It might emphasize systems thinking and the ability to see interconnections between different parts of the organization and its environment.

It’s important to amplify collective intelligence involving leveraging all members' combined intelligence and intuition, perhaps through advanced collaboration techniques or technologies.

Learning agility with ethical alignment: A superconscious organization could have a strong moral foundation, with all members aligned around core values and principles. It can have extraordinary organizational learning and knowledge-sharing capabilities. Understand the people and the organization through a common lens, and then, make it possible to turn the organization into “superconscious mode” with informativeness, creativity, and harmony. Such organizations not only have an exceptional ability to adapt to changing circumstances but also create momentum, demonstrating a collective "sixth sense" about emerging trends or challenges.

Transcendent Goals: Such an organization would likely have a clear, compelling purpose that resonates deeply with all members, they are more purpose-driven.  It might pursue goals that go beyond profit or conventional measures of success, aiming for a broader progressive social impact. The purpose of self-assessment, self-adapting, self-organizing, and self-improvement is to inspire authenticity, cultivate a growth mindset, build trust, and encourage creativity to unlock the superconscious state of the digital organization.

 It is possible that at some points on the digital journey we all experience so-called digital “super-consciousness,” with the transcendent movement to reach the next level of business maturity and collective progress. To unlock the superconscious state of the digital organization, the business needs to focus on creating the right organizational culture so that people can thrive to reach their super-conscious state, take ownership of their processes, and believe in better-than-expected results.


Interesting perspective on the concept of organizational superconsciousness!digital marketing agency in gwalior

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