Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 Human society is on an evolutionary journey with varying speed. Our intention to change is to make a better future.

Intention is the desire to do certain things and achieve certain goals. When humans expand their knowledge and experience bases, and develop a cross-disciplinary understanding of the world, Intentionality is a concept that has been discussed from several perspectives in philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science. Here are some key perspectives on intentionality:

Neuroscience, Cognitive, Phenomenological Science Perspective: In cognitive science, intentionality is often discussed in terms of mental representation.  In neuroscience, intentionality is sometimes discussed in terms of neural activity that represents or corresponds to specific features of the external world. This means that our mental states, such as beliefs and desires, represent or are about things in the world.  In phenomenology, intentionality is the idea that consciousness is always directed towards something outside of itself. This means that our mental states are always about or represent something.

With strong intentions and a positive attitude, we sense ourselves and that's all we need to let our thoughts and behavior work to keep us motivated, taking a moderate risk with realistic optimism to drive changes we would like to see. Negative intentions or misjudgments need to be discouraged or even penalized in order to build a healthy working environment

Linguistic perspective: In linguistics and philosophy of language, intentionality is often discussed in terms of the "aboutness" of language. This means that words and sentences have meaning because they refer to something beyond themselves. Our intention is to convey our thoughts via linguistic structure. Thoughts are in the first order, words are said to be in the second order. Communication logic directly impacts professional relationship development, decision coherence, and problem-solving effectiveness. Learning multiple languages provides important nourishment for abstracting multifaceted linguistic logic, and understanding different cultures and societies at a level that is not possible to reach otherwise.

Artificial intelligence perspective: In AI, intentionality is sometimes discussed in terms of machine learning algorithms that are designed to recognize patterns and make predictions about the world. Behind the BI intention to predict or prescribe for solving certain problems, there are complex technologies underneath, such as e linear regression, logistic regression, decision trees, deep learning, and reinforcement learning. By understanding the different types of machine learning algorithms and their capabilities, you gain insights into the power of AI and its potential to transform various aspects of our world

Human society is on an evolutionary journey with varying speed. Our intention to change is to make a better future; making self-assessment and evaluating the past can certainly lead us to a good insight towards the future, let us see the attitude of taking things in a positive way and choose the actions enthusiastically.


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