Monday, December 9, 2024


Quality shines through -proficiency, consistency,  simplicity, coherence; quality is an integral discipline, woven into people delight, the great stories untold.

From the design that we create, 

to the value that we embrace,

it's the quality of things we do,

improves the quality of the world; 

It’s the thought behind the actions,

that leaves a lasting trace.

In a world that rushes by, 

spinning around so fast,

it's the breadth of knowledge,

depth of truth,

impact how we decide,

refine the quality of life...

So let’s slow down and listen, 

explore the nuance of influence;

with curiosity in our minds, 

and a vision that is clarified,

through the value we share,

the simple acts of kindness, 

we can find the deep essence, 

in the choices that we make,

toward the quality we pursue.

Quality is in -


what we think, say, and do,

touch all perspectives of-

our life;

quality shines through -

proficiency, consistency, 

simplicity, coherence;

quality is -

an integral discipline,

woven into people delight,

great stories untold...


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