BI/Analytics KPIs is Multi-Dimensional Measurement.

BI and Analytics has been in the business agenda of any
forward-looking organizations for a couple of years in the row, however, measuring the value BI creates for the
business is not an easy task; how do you realistically and practically measure
how much better a function or business overall is doing or making decisions better because of
BI? What are the principles and perspectives
in devising/defining /designing/building the BI/Analytics KPIs?
Defining KPIs from strategic
decision making perspectives: The BI/Analytics tools make the executives
dynamic and make them prepared to take decision instantaneously. However, assessing
the overall value of data as an asset, advanced analytics and improved decision
support at senior or strategic organization levels is challenging, if possible
at all, but this is where BI creates most of its value. Companies adopt
Business Intelligence to find answers to complex questions and to move away
from traditional way of waiting for the end period to view reports. Hence the factors such as new
perspectives and answers; ease of analysis and the time to answer the critical
questions should be the key measures of success. The true success of BI is
possible only when it is seen as a business investment and not as a technology
Defining some KPIs
from the Human Capital Management perspective, maybe from the number and/or
mix of team members vs. effectiveness of decisions (increase revenue, decrease
costs/expenses) vs. the whole IT Team, assuming the BI team is in IT. From a
BI competence perspective, also measure/benchmark vs. other internal competence
teams, showing value contributed so far. The development of KPIs in talent
management shall reflect the process effectiveness and efficiency in hiring,
retention, employee satisfaction and overall workforce management.
Customer oriented
KPIs: Find out what your customer Indicators are and determine how much you
have to do with the success or failure of each. How did you make customer work
easier? Are there instances where you are essential to overall business/group
performance? Do you help to shave time off tasks? The relevant KPIs may
include: Customer satisfaction, incidents solved in time, minor change requests
implemented in time vs. system flexibility, etc.

Cost of BI as % of total IT,
Cost of BI as % Revenue,
Cost of each BI domain as % of the supported business function
Cost of BI per row of data
Cost of BI per business user
Average/min/max data latency per subject area
Average/min/max time to integrate a new subject area
Average daily time users spend online
Average number of rendered reports per active user
Average query/report rendering time
Active users / total users
Active reports (models, cubes) / total reports (models, cubes)
Number of user support cases per day/month
Number of change/enhancement request cases per month/year
DW volume growth
Availability/outage hours...
Cost of BI per business user
Average/min/max data latency per subject area
Average/min/max time to integrate a new subject area
Average daily time users spend online
Average number of rendered reports per active user
Average query/report rendering time
Active users / total users
Active reports (models, cubes) / total reports (models, cubes)
Number of user support cases per day/month
Number of change/enhancement request cases per month/year
DW volume growth
Availability/outage hours...
BI/Analytics KPIs are
to be derived from overall business benefit: The organization and all its
departments get from the intelligent and actionable information it provides. As
BI/ Analytics key role is to proactively identify the key trends/ leading
indicators for various functions (be it dipping sales, new areas/ regions to
target, customer behavior analysis to identify target segment/ product,
customer satisfaction, market basket analysis, savings or risk reduction across
business operations realized etc) along with definite actions to be taken up to
tap key trends and address leading indicators, the KPI is timing of providing
this actionable information. The BI group output should be proactive analysis
with actionable information and not be reactive.
BI has two facets in
delivering business values: One of the key objectives of the BI team is to
provide right information at the right time to the right set of people.
Regarding this aspect, SLAs involving data load window, quality of information
and timely delivery of information become key measures for success of BI team.
On the business analysis front, insights generated by the team and translated
to corporate actions resulting into better performance of business. KPIs should
be consideration for success of the team; such as a specific KPI has an impact on the
Company in Revenue, Customer Satisfaction, Employee Retention, etc. and this
is accomplished by defining specific measures derived from a BI project
conceived in the Department, with a multi-disciplinary team (technical &
KPIs can also reflect
BI’s agility, quality and continuity. The value of your BI function is
built on not only one off success stories but also on the consistent continuity
and quality of BI service to the users across the organization. If you
provide great tools and data, won some success stories for a particular
business campaigns, but your users are faced on day to day basis with poor
performance, outages and irresponsive support, you fail to create the value. So BI/Analytics needs to take agile
approach to solve business problems timely. Agile methods allow you to adapt
the requirements and deliver when you promised to deliver. Or if the
requirements were changed then you have to change the project plan and to
deliver what and when you promised. How can you measure the quality of a
delivery and how to define targets?
Hence, it is a complex tasks to well define, design or
derive the right set of BI/Analytics KPIs, it takes effort from multidisciplinary
Team - functional and Technical - and eventually producing the KPIs relates to the benefits delivered by
BI such as figure out potential customers, decision making, business values, operation efficiency or process optimization
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