Friday, September 5, 2014

Intuitive vs. Deliberate Thought

The narrowness of mind is the biggest handicap for innovation.

Perhaps the mind is one of the most complex things in the world; the mind is the interface between body and consciousness. It can be very active if we care for it. We worry about our body, leaving our mind and consciousness in our actions. 
In jumping the marvels of how we came to be at this point where it can be described in mapping the brain, we really have the need to know the foundation of thought itself.  And how to shift from intuitive to deliberate thought.
Two systems in one’s mind: As Dr. Kahneman well put into his book ‘Think Fast, Think Slow,’ both analytics and intuition are important for making the effective decision. More specifically, our mind is being comprised of two systems. System one is comprised of heuristics, habits, and intuition, which allow us to react instinctively to situations. This system is effective in resolving matters that have defined outcomes. System Two system is more deliberate in its approach to resolving matters. Unfortunately, if we are not deliberate in our thought when addressing certain problems, System One will quickly give an answer while System Two justifies the response. To engage in creative thought, you have to go to the natural state of your mind which is to follow the shortest neural path to a solution.

The transition from intuitive to deliberate thinking in the first place requires expert knowledge in the field: Having attained 'subject field' expertise, when looking at a specific area of the knowledge, one becomes aware of 'something wrong' type feeling/thinking. It could be the pattern doesn't fit, or 'something missing', or a discontinuity of logical 'connectors'. The brain is the most singular solitary place to define. The truth is, no one knows the base of any one attribute that the brain has other than some base conditioning novel ideas. This is the non- limiting the power of clear thinking. If in fact, we can empty the thought, and have less confusion, there comes the knowledge of the universe. To achieve a high level of reasoning, you must be able to make high-level processing, and language is known to be a central pillar of intelligence. But it is not the sole substrate of intelligence, other kinds of processing (or reasoning) are equally important as well. Thinking will apply mostly, but some 'subject fields' would be in areas of emotional or cultural intelligence requiring feelings as well. The emotional or cultural intelligence can further be defined if an approach has the format of crucial syphilitic argument mapped as well. The turning point for true knowledge has almost never come from selfish motives but from perseverance. 

The narrowness of mind is the biggest handicap for being innovative: One needs openness, freedom of thought and action.' Most of all, one needs to be open to the entire cosmos to accept signals in brain neurons from any outside source. The quietness of mind comes from self-discipline that ensures thoughts train to have wider gaps to perceive such unique signals and also a strong capacity to catch and store such signals before they leave us. The foundation of thought is intent, and it comes from learning. The more learning, the greater intent, the greater the scope, the higher the degree of focus. And the measurement is important for analytics systems and the need to know how we have gotten to where we are (with established solid outlines). Questions will be asked later when points of views expand past the distribution curve. Applications that brings us forward into deliberate thought or, forming seclusive plays will show value.

The 'outlier' thinking: This is especially true of cultures. It is when we find common ground to base our limitation or decision cycles against is when we can assimilate diversity. When we cannot assimilate diversity between two cultures or two organizations for that matter, we lose the hope of what diversity brings to the party. Separation of cultures is a fleeting norm for the world. Today as information flows so freely (globalization), therefore, it is important to find the underpinning value system that we agree upon and, that has to be truths that we can all use to measure if we are going to determine it is the right direction. This underpinning value system should drive our intuition, All in all, it's good to integrate "apparent outliers" when the measurement really pertains to the universe of observations, but then, outliers shall be explained by that who measures. 

Both intuitive and deliberate thinking have their places. Here is a deliberate but not so secret part of intuitive thinking, it is the intention of the heart of the person. That intent will help grow and understand our surroundings whereas the opposite "fear" will stop us from this growth and understanding. And the transition from intuitive thinking to deliberate thinking requires domain knowledge, focus, and perseverance.



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