The Blog is a dynamic book flow with your thought. It's not about writing, but about conveying the vision.

The Digital Core of “Future of CIO”
1. Digitalization/Digital Master Tuning (250+ Blogs): Digital Master - Debunk the Myths of Enterprise Digital Maturity was published in Jan. 2015, it is the book to envision the multi- dimensional impact that digital philosophy, technology, and methodology will have on the future of business and human society. It received overall great feedback in the IT community and beyond. After publishing, I also wrote more than 100+ blogs listed in the Digital Master Tuning category to continue advocating the best principles and the next practices to run a “Digital Master” - The organization that has rich digital insight and high level digital capability and maturity, not only to initiate digital innovation, but also to drive enterprise - wide digital transformation. Digitalization is the other blog category that strengthens the digital CORE, with about 150+ blog postings to brainstorm digital leadership/management principles and practices.
2. IT Transformation/ Performance / Branding/ Practices/ Project Management (500+ Blogs): Future of IT is a “digital transformer,” a strategy catalyst, and an innovation engine for businesses across sectors; IT has to be transformed from a cost center to value creator; from an “order taker” to an “order shaker”; from “reactive to proactive” mode; from “the weakest link” to “the super glue”; from the “industrial mode” to the digital mode (Bimodal). And fundamentally, Information Management is all about having the right people to have the right information to make right decisions at the right time.
3. Digital Strategy /IT Strategy/Execution/System Wisdom (300 Blogs): With increasing speed of digitalization, Digital strategy and IT strategy are converging into corporate strategy. Digital strategy and execution are no longer linear steps, but a dynamic continuum. Systems Thinking (the way to see the forest for the tree) has become a mainstream thought process to craft a good strategy and also execute it smoothly. Through more than 300+ debates, we put emphasis on how to leverage Systems Thinking in bridging strategy and execution; how to craft an agile strategy; what’re the major challenges in executing strategy, and how to overcome them? etc.
4. Digital Change Management /Culture Master(300+blogs): Digital is the age of Change, and the speed of Change is increasing. Culture eats strategy for breakfast. What’s your business culture expression? Culture management is an interdependent ecosystem that includes many business factors, and Change Management and culture management have to go hand in hand. The goal of Change Management is always to make improvement or innovations happen, and it's a progressive journey to keep business move forward. Change is inevitable, but more than two-thirds of change effort fail to achieve the expected results. The change shouldn't be treated as a singular occurrence when it is an ongoing, continued process and dynamic capability within the organization.
5. Digital Leadership (250+Blogs): The digital world today is much more complicated, and that requires an ability to juggle multiple and competing demands and clear the vision under cloudy climate and uncertain circumstances. Leadership is first as an advanced mindset, then as a clarified vision and exemplary behavior. Leadership is about FUTURE! Leadership is about CHANGE. Leadership is about FOCUS. It is about providing direction, both for oneself and others. It is a basic human ability to inspire self and others to look beyond limitations and make continuous improvement. Leadership is the art of persuasion and the science of disciplines; it’s about the inspiration and motivation; innovation and progression. By choosing to lead, you must have a vision and intention for making that choice, also strike the right balance to run, grow and transform your business seamlessly.
6. Talent Management (200+ Blogs): Digital is the era of people centricity. People are the most invaluable asset in any organization anytime and anywhere. However, the traditional talent management treat people more as cost or resource, less as an asset or capital investment; performance management approaches more focus on measuring behaviors and quantitative result, with ignorance of qualitative assessment about character, mindsets, talent potential, multidimensional intelligence and culture effect. Talent competency is the digital lenses through which people managers ought to assess and manage talent in more strategic, analytical and creative way.
7. Digitizing Boardroom / GRC (130+Blogs): Corporate Board is one of the most significant governance bodies in modern businesses. Generally speaking, Boards have a couple of main functions such as strategy oversight (input, review, etc), governance practices (monitoring, risk management), service (providing advice & support to executives), and resource provision (opening their networks etc.). In this series of digitizing boardroom/GRC blogs, we intend to open the professional debates on how to bring wisdom, ‘deep common sense,’ balance, improved strategic thinking, digital technology and creativity to the boardroom, focus on shareholder and stakeholder communications, practicing better governance, better oversight, multi-dimensional value management, and better risk management with strong discipline and self-assessment.
8. Agile/Business Agility (150+ Blogs): Agile Shift is a significant step in digital transformation. Many forward-looking organizations are moving from doing Agile to being agile, scale the agile philosophy, methodology and practices to run the business as an Agile innovator. Being agile" considers the entire enterprise, not just the project. "Being agile" is based on systematic principles - the discipline of seeing wholes, which facilitates the rapid creation of business value. "Being agile" is dependent on the appropriate amount of up-front architecture. "Being agile" acknowledges and encourages the dynamics and emergent properties of the project, the project team, and the environment; and business level agile transformation is a continuous journey. And being agile is a critical step in digital transformation.
9. Digital Gaps/Complexity/ Capabilities: Digital organizations become more complex due to the accelerating speed of changes; non-linear connectivity, information explosion, and hybrid nature of the organizational structure. There are business strategy-execution gaps, Business-IT communication gaps, and talent gaps existing at people’s mindsets, the organizational culture, the business processes, and capabilities, or the measurement & tools, etc. After identifying business gaps, organizations need to build a set of digital capabilities such as Change capability, agility, and innovation, to build long term competency.
The blog is a dynamic book flowing with your thought; growing through your dedication; sharing your knowledge; conveying your wisdom, and making influence through touching the hearts and connecting the minds across the globe. Blogging is not about writing, but about thinking; it’s not just about WHAT to say, but about WHY to say, and HOW to say it. It reflects the color and shade of your thought patterns, and it indicates the peaks and curves of your thinking waves. Unlike pure entertainment, quality and professional content takes time for digesting, contemplation and engaging, and therefore, it takes time to attract the "hungry minds" and the "deep souls." It’s the journey to amplify your voice, deepen your digital footprints, and match your way for human progression.
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