Digital CIOs have to leverage resources to stay focus, and continually improve IT agility and maturity, to become an integral part of the business.
Due to the changing nature of technology, IT plays a critical role in catalyzing digital transformation. IT leadership role also continues to involve & shift the focus, to move up the maturity level. More and more CIOs are requested to take cross-disciplinary responsibility and many CIOs present the breadth of leadership competency in dealing with unprecedented business complexity and uncertainty. Here are Five big “What’s” in IT digital transformation.

Five Big “What”s in IT Digital Transformation
- What are Tactics and Methodologies in Developing IT and Business Relationship? Statistically, only less than 5% of IT can communicate with business partners seamlessly and build IT reputation as a game changer; while more than half of IT organizations still get stuck on the bottom level of maturity, functioning as an isolated support center or service provider due to ineffective communication and lack of innovation ability. Both senior leadership team and CIOs are clear in what needs to achieve in terms of top line, bottom line and working in tandem with other departments to achieve the IT goal. So what are the tactics and methodologies in developing IT and business partner relationship via effective communication?
- What are CIOs’ Top Challenges Due to the changing nature of technologies, CIOs seem to be always in the “hot seat” in the face of increasing business demand, talent shortage, budget limitation or numerous critics from businesses? Now, information is permeating into every corner of business, what technology is expected to do has changed significantly over recent years, although every company has its own circumstances, overall speaking, what are the common challenges facing today’s IT organizations, how can CIOs leverage resources to stay focus, and continually improve IT agility and maturity, to become an integral part of business?
- What are CIO’s Top Priorities? Nowadays, information is the lifeblood of business, and technology is the big brain of the organization, there are so many things in CIO’s agenda, IT is always in overload mode, and CIOs seem to be at the hot seat. Therefore, in order to run IT more effectively and efficiently, how shall CIOs prioritize the projects, and what shall be put on the top of CIO’s agenda?
- What are the Pitfalls in Measuring Innovative IT Effectively? IT as an enterprise group is in a bigger identity crisis than ever, the industrial mode of IT running as a cost center no longer satisfies stakeholders and business partner anymore; the digital mode of IT means speed, agility, and innovation. IT needs to become the business’s innovation engine, as the intersection of IT and people is where innovation happens! Companies need to invest in IT necessary to make the business advances through either incremental or radical innovation! However, what are the pitfalls in measuring such innovative IT effectively?

- What is the Future of Software Engineering? The twentieth century had a new science - Computer Science. In searching for the scientific basis of Software Engineering, Computer Science has been seriously attempted. Computation was to become one of the most important disciplines of the sciences. This is because it is the science of how machines can be made to carry out intellectual processes and capabilities. We know that any intellectual process can be carried out mechanically and performed by a general-purpose digital computer. Business starts to think intellectually, with value delivered continuously.
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