Human Capital is about potential, if unleashed, can bring the quantum leap in the business growth, and societal advancement.
People are always the most invaluable asset in businesses. “Hiring the right person to the right position at the right time,” is the mantra of many forward-thinking organizations. The question is how would you define the right people? How do you define wrong, average, mediocre, good, great or extraordinary person? Or put simply, for what should they be right? Traditional Performance Management focusing on measuring what an employee does (mainly being told to do) in a quantitative way is not sufficient to identify high performance or high potential, should we see through talent from different angles, and how to manage and measure talent in a digital way?

Measuring Human Capital in Digital Way
- How to Measure Human Capital Effectively? People are always the most invaluable asset to the organization but often turn to be the weakest link in strategy execution. Unlike the other tangible value of business assets which are more easily measured in a quantitative way. The true value of people, especially today’s high professional knowledge workforces include many tangible and intangible factors because people are not just the cost or the resource to be managed, but the capital to be invested in and their potential if unleashed can bring the quantum leap in the business growth. So what are the premium approach and methodology to measure human asset & capital? What KPIs would you recommend to determine the value an employee adds to their department and ultimately to their organization, and how would you implement it?
- The Digital Shift on How to Measure Employee Performance? The common symptom of performance failure is to rate employees as a convenience, not a way of improving performance. Rating forms are convenient but have little potential for improving performance. The biggest stumbling block for a large organization to come unstuck is getting performance data that is useful. Human performance is directly linked to human behavior. A highly skilled person perhaps does not put his/her best work forward because he/she isn't motivated. So what’re the digital shift to evaluating employees’ performance and manage talent with agility, in order to discover your digital masters?
- Is Self-Assessment a Digital Way for Managing Talent Performance? Many organizations still have an old-fashioned view that the employee's self-assessment is irrelevant to the overall review and only serves to create conflict when there are discrepancies in perception. However, digital makes business more transparent & less hierarchical, inspires authenticity and growth mind. Is self-reflection, self-assessment, and self-improvement scenario becoming the “healthy” digital cycle for talent growth and management?
- How to Build and Measure Workplace Creativity? In recent years, creativity has become a very highly valued skill. Creative people combine existing possibilities to reach more often unexpected solutions. Creativity is an essential building block for innovation in business. Everyone possesses a certain level of creativity; some just have more than others. How does creativity manifest itself in the workplace? What's the best work environment for creativity? What products (tangible or otherwise) are creative? Where does that creativity arise from? And what acts, behaviors etc. may be examples of the organizational creative process? What risks are associated with creativity not being manifested in the workplace? How might you see a creativity employee?
- Three Aspects of Human Capital: People are the most invaluable asset, and Talent Management is always one of the most important disciplines to manage the business. There are quite a few terms that have been used. From personnel management to Human Resource Management to Human Capital Management of today, whatever you use to refer to the people in the organization, there is an investment that is needed in order to achieve the business goal and this investment has various perspectives - one being the human perspective. So organizations need to see this as a critical aspect of growth and invest in their people,
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