What's needed every now and then in any individual, team, organization, society, and on up to the entire planet's population, is a little or a lot of energy to re-focus, kick start or 'game-change.'
Change is inevitable, and organizational change becomes a common practice within an organization. However, more than two-thirds of Change Management efforts fail to achieve the expected results. How to capture the signals of change readiness, and how to manage and sustain change efforts effectively, not for its own sake, but to improve organizational agility, innovativeness, and maturity?
Change readiness can be determined via a validated instrument, the change profile-scan: Most of the organizations today are the “sum of functions,” not yet being a cohesive whole. Too many organizations are mechanistic, control and command hierarchies. When productivity is low, the further analytics is needed for understanding the cause, whether it is due to the change curve, inefficient practice/ process, or the culture complacency. If your organization fits the description, get out fast or initiate change within. Trace down the poor behaviors or lower-than-expected performances, and understand the causes behind it. Companies don't think about change. People in companies do, from different positions. Mostly the management wants to see a different (better) result of all combined efforts. So methods or people held responsible for those results 'have to change.'
An organization’s “DNA” is visible from the collective mindset, attitudes, and decision-making styles: The most critical one is how decision-making process at various levels within an organization affects all other factors that form the culture over a period of time. An organization's DNA is visible from the collective attitudes - how employees behave at the workplace with co-workers, interaction with customers, adapt technological changes and accept challenges and contribute to the organization's brand image etc. All these factors take shape over a period through the decision-making process. Closer to reality is that 'change' is continuously happening in the environment of a company. The desires of stakeholders, clients and employees are evolving naturally. The challenges, competitions, and complexities may be on the increase, but along with it there comes the increase in opportunity and in the form of demand.

Understand change readiness via the multidimensional business management lens. Digital makes a profound impact on the overall organizational agility, from a specific function to the business as a whole. The purpose of building change management capability and accelerating radical digitalization is to make a significant difference in the overall levels of customer delight and achieve high performing business result. People are complex, business is complex, and society is complex, what's needed every now and then in any individual, team, organization, society, and on up to the entire planet's population, is a little or a lot of energy to re-focus, kick start or 'game-change.'
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“Change Insight” Book Slideshare Presentation
“Change Insight” Book Introduction
“Change Insight” Book Introduction Chapter 1 The Psychology behind Changes
“Change Insight” Book Introduction Chapter 2 The People-Centric Change Management
Change Insight” Book Introduction Chapter 3 Change Leadership
“Change Insight” Book Introduction Chapter 4 Change Principles
“Change Insight” Book Introduction Chapter 5 Change Capability
“Change Insight” Book Introduction Chapter 6 Change Pitfalls
“Change Insight” Book Introduction Chapter 7 Change Assessment and Measurement
“Change Insight” Book Introduction Chapter 8 Building High-Mature Organization with Changeability
“Change Insight” Book Conclusion
“Change Insight” Quote Collection
“Change Insight” Quote Collection II
Change Insight” Book Introduction Chapter 3 Change Leadership
“Change Insight” Book Introduction Chapter 4 Change Principles
“Change Insight” Book Introduction Chapter 5 Change Capability
“Change Insight” Book Introduction Chapter 6 Change Pitfalls
“Change Insight” Book Introduction Chapter 7 Change Assessment and Measurement
“Change Insight” Book Introduction Chapter 8 Building High-Mature Organization with Changeability
“Change Insight” Book Conclusion
“Change Insight” Quote Collection
“Change Insight” Quote Collection II
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