Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character. -Albert Einstein
The simplest definition of 'attitude' would be one's "settled mode of thinking." Attitude manifests itself through one's behavior. It can be changed for sure only if one is willing to accept and give 100 percent to changing oneself. Both aptitude and attitude are important for high achievement. Which questions should you ask to assess a person’s attitude?
What’s your attitude to look at the problem or the challenge? Attitude is a way of thinking and a way of looking at the problem. How one looks at a problem - challenge or a threat or danger depends on the attitude of the person. if one’s attitude is positive, he/she takes it as a challenge or a good opportunity, and if it is negative, he or she perceives it as a threat or a big problem. Attitude constitutes the belief of the person, the emotions attached to that belief and the action part resulting from both. Attitude is basically ''how you react to any situation that comes up?'' It develops based on our beliefs, knowledge, experience, how we are brought up, the company we keep and traits we are born with and significant incidents of our life.etc. Attitude comes from one’s conviction, value, and perception. Perception is based on one’s thought processes which are influenced by one’s thinking style, cognitive understanding, knowledge level, wisdom and intellectual maturity (IQ + EQ).
Can you keep improving your attitude? Attitude changes from time to time and not long lasting and gets welcome or unwelcome as per minds condition which is phenomenon depending upon various effects within and beyond control. Attitude is a behavioral response; it is developed on the basis of one's understanding groomed by the growth environment, education, circumstances, and surroundings. Attitude is the positive or negative feeling towards a work. The more one learns, the more one finds the vastness of knowledge, and how minuscule is one's own. Young minds are malleable and more fertile, their attitude to "know it all" is at the surface which can be erased easily with a new thought. Attitude is an individual's personal action navigated by habits, culture in vogue and welcome acceptance of behavior with the objects of cosmos other than self and connected to being and non-beings. Attitude is a vibration, a frequency our human personality carries within it that it exudes around and then affects the world outside through the frequency of this vibration. The higher the frequency of the vibration, the more positive, caring, loving and compassionate the attitude becomes.

Professional competency is built through both attitude and aptitude. Competency is related to the performance and the outcome. If you have the attitude, you acquire knowledge and skill. Having attitude makes you positive and ever caring, altitude leads you to think big, attitude drives you to learn and pursue, and aptitude enables you to achieve significantly.
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