A holistic approach is an optimal path for change.
Organizational Change is always difficult, and many organizations' ineffective change programs have symptoms such as "change inertia," or “change fatigue,” etc. Change is inevitable and needed in every business. The successful businesses are the ones that have learned HOW to implement change time after time after time and build it as a solid business capability. Change Management requires a plan and strategy as well, can you take a shortcut, is there an ideal route for the change, and how to improve the success rate of Change Management?

Building+maintaining trusting relationships: It would be helpful to know that any change within an organization is a process always involving trust and relationships; not a one-and-done chore. However, building trust often gets overlooked and therefore minimized as insignificant; without trust, there is no respect; and without trust and respect in an organization, change efforts become like a rocking chair stays in motion but gets nowhere. The staff becomes like nails and the leadership like the hammer forcing staff into submission of change. As a change leader or manager, start by building trust with yourself, because if you don't trust anyone, including yourself, then bringing about change in an organizational system will be daunting. We must develop, maintain and grow trusting relationships with the people who represent leadership within the organization. Trust is fundamental but in an organizational system, if you want to change something, the advantages of the change should be clear in everyone's head - well interpreted. Thus, a communication strategy for the implementation of such a project should be well fleshed out.
All organizational changes should start from a good example of the top management: If the organization is going to buy into changes, it is crucial that those who lead the change efforts are showing their efforts on a daily basis. People need knowledge and support when organizational changes are made. Successful change evolves. It requires clear vision and direction with communication and action--on all levels. The smooth change happens through the efforts of people who care and are willing to leap into a new dimension of possibilities. Today many companies are moving toward open structure and more freedom to those who are linked with the front line jobs. Perhaps one key to the question is allow for leadership to communicate at many different levels throughout the organization. If people don´t feel that they are valued, it is often difficult to bring around changes. This means that employees are a part of the decision-making process and how the company is operating. Leadership and decisions making at many different levels are often likely to drive out the best in the people, organizational innovation, and culture.
A holistic approach is an optimal path for change: One of the items that affect changes in organizational structure is how it is done. Planned vs. radical way. Studies have shown that leaders that have offered democratic participation have reached a far better outcome than those who have been autocratic in their approach. Planned change and participative management are central to success. Thus, to change an organizational system, you must first understand the concept of the true meaning of organizational system & learn the art & practice of the Learning Organization. Once you comprehend these elements, then, you must rewire the brain through a new set of lens. Major organization change occurs due to environmental changes. To change an organization's culture, there must be buy-in from the executives on down. Then a change agent must be brought in to work with every tier, establishing a common language for the organization and dealing with the most challenging issue - what is NOT spoken. There are change agents making cultures conscious to transform the entire organization. Further, while leadership and culture development made some differences, the traditional hierarchical structure with command and control policies limited employees willingness to be involved and the company's profitability. When a process-centered organizational structure is implemented simultaneously with culture and leadership development for all employees (with patience and perseverance), it dramatically improves both.
Change is unavoidable. There is often no shortcut for change. It should be made incrementally. It could be stirred up by the executive management, but needs to be embraced by all stakeholders. It should also be purposeful and needed. All departments have to have the stake in it. Their buy-ins should be gained upfront to mitigate resistance. " An organizational system may not need a total remodel. A few areas may need improvement while others need new processes. Once the "why" is known, the "what" can be the focus and the "how" will follow as it will be easier to answer the question with all the variables and goals identified and defined, change becomes an ongoing business capability to go hand in hand with the strategy management.
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