Decision making is the arena across the art and science; gut feeling and data-driven, confidence and humility.
Making a decision is one of the significant tasks for business leadership. However, the high ratio of strategic decisions has been made poorly and cause the catastrophic effect. Nowadays, we live in the Digital Era with the exponential growth of information and disruptive power of technology, how to leverage IT to make effective decisions both strategically and tactically?
Leveraging IT as a Business Decision Influencer? Fundamentally, the purpose of IT organization is to ensure the right information going to the right people at the right time and location in order to make the right decision. Indeed, IT is a key business decision influencer at an information-abundance era, but more specifically, how does IT make an impact on the business decision, and how can IT improve business’s decision-making capabilities and effectiveness?
What’s IT Role in Business Decision Management? At today’s digital dynamic, information is abundant, the business has become over-complex also hyper-connected, what’s the correlation between data, information, and decision-making. And what’s IT role in business decision management?
IT as a Proactive Business Decision Maker? More often than not, technology is the creative destructor for business regardless of which sectors you are in, and IT becomes the key ingredient in any competitive business capability, either it’s the utility necessity for company's survival or the unique competency for the organization’s thriving; and the success of IT project can leapfrog a business to the uprising business star; while the failed IT project will directly impact business’s bottom line, even surviving. Hence, IT leaders, essentially are business leaders as well, have to have a seat at the big table and make key business decisions more proactively
An Influential IT: IT as Business Decision Influencer? Fundamentally, the purpose of IT organization is to ensure the right information going to the right people at the right time and location in order to make the right decision. Indeed, IT is a key business decision influencer at the digital era, but more specifically, how does IT make an impact on the business decision, and how can IT improve business’s decision-making capabilities??

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