Every measure selected should be part of a link of cause-and-effect relationships, and ultimately affect the growth and long-term perspectives of the organization.
S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely) goals play an important role in the modern management discipline, what’s the pros and cons of setting & measuring S.M.A.R.T goals, and how to manage it effectively?
The bigger issue is that a good strategy adds no value unless it is effectively executed. The strategy stems from longer-term goals and results in annual objectives aligned with the strategy. Annual objectives start with the executives choosing a few key initiatives, understanding their interdependency, and driving them down the line. The SMART framework is helpful, but be cautious about setting goals which are really valid. First, measure the right things; then measure them right.
In order to set smart goals, all the people involved in implementing them need to be involved. How do you expect people to implement the SMART goals they do not know or they have not participated in formulating or setting? Setting and implementing SMART goals is a hands-on affair, it is not a textbook theory! If some are lacking skills and knowledge, then that calls for coaching, mentoring and training. People are still the key factors in measuring S.M.A.R.T goal in a smart way.

Setting and achieving the S.M.A.R.T goals is the critical step in strategy execution, but do not think it as management mechanism only, ensure having a goal that has the business purpose first, then measure it in a smart way. Every measure selected should be part of a link of cause-and-effect relationships, and ultimately affect the growth and long-term perspectives of the organization.
Conversion tracking is how marketers identify which strategies are working. By plugging in an action that is related to a campaign KPI, you can see how many people are 'converted' based on the number of people who complete that action.
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