Going digital is not enough, and being digital is not a status quo.
The shift to digital cuts across sectors, geographies, and leadership roles, the digital transformation is now spreading rapidly to enable organizations of all shapes and sizes to reinvent themselves. The point is if going digital is a no-brainer, then why are so many companies still overly reliant on paper? Why then are so many companies not taking advantage of customer-facing opportunities to digitize interactions with SMAC technologies? Why then are so many companies not apply technology to fully digitize business processes and important business capabilities? Or what are the causes that the majority of organizations are stuck to digital mediocre, only very small percentage of organizations are high-mature digital master?
From doing digital to being digital: Such digital debate is intended to help leaders understand what's required and how as a high-level basis for going digital mean to the business. It is not just about any fancy digital technologies or pretty web presences. Many organizations are still confused digital with general technology adoption. It's a significant shift from going digital to being digital. Being digital in one's business implies first going digital internally culturally. For that, processes need to be not just online but internally socially visible. It’s that what triggers employees to start adopting transparency and social decision making while being evaluated by peers in real time. When one extends that to the first line of customers, the impact is manifold. Disruptions such as these are critical to induct nonsocial employees into a new digital paradigm. When people from top-down and bottom-up are equipped with digital minds, then digital starts permeating into the daily tasks and underlying processes, change is more sustainable, and digital flow becomes the nature of the business.
Being digital means of fine-tuning the digital ecosystem to become more innovative: Constantly improving the business and seeing change as an opportunity while keeping a holistic overview of the business are the core messages of the text. The thing that needs some figuring out is how to integrate modern technologies such as social, mobile, analytics and cloud (SMAC) to a business."That applies to "being digital." It applies just the same to using prestressed concrete as opposed to brick and mortar, as an example. A company that is not reaping the benefits of the digital age in the year of 2015 has a fundamental problem: Failure to adapt and innovate. "Going digital" won't help against that, a general change of attitude is required. Otherwise, the company will sooner or later be history.

Going digital is not enough, and being digital is not a status quo. From going digital to being digital needs to take a lot of brainstorming and thought-out planning. At a high maturity level, organizations have to stretch out in every business dimensions for driving the full-fledged digital transformation more confidently and radically.
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