Regardless of which industry you are in, being a digital leader will need to master the art of creating unique, differentiating value.
Although the “DNA of CIO” is still a bit stereotypical from varying industry surveys, the digital trend is unstoppable: that more and more CIOs have diversified experience and colorful background, working across-functional and industrial boundaries, from technologists to artists; from entrepreneurs to consultants, from business strategist to talent manager.
The CIO’s Digital Leadership
The Digital-Savvy CIO: Modern CIOs face many challenges, it is not sufficient to only keep the light on. Regardless of which industry or the nature of organization you are in, being a digital leader will need to master the art of creating unique, differentiating value from piles of commoditized technologies, but more specifically, what are the digital-savvy CIOs doing to run IT as a value creator and innovation engine? The point is what are the skills and capabilities of the future of CIOs? And how can CIOs practice digital leadership more effectively?
- The Changing Role of CIO: With the consumerization of IT and other emerging digital technology trends such as Cloud, mobile, social and analytics, the role of IT is at the inflection point to go digital. IT shouldn’t be just satisfied with the surviving mode, it has to be thriving, and CIO roles is also changing from an infrastructure IT manager to 'keep the light on' to a wise business strategist/solution advisor/consultant to create value for the organization and make leadership influence across functions and beyond.
- The CIO as a Digital Orchestra Conductor? It was possibly Peter Drucker who first said a manager's role was that of a "Symphony Orchestra Conductor." In this highly complex and competitive digital dynamic business environment, this description fits in today for any business leader or a manager in an operational or even functional role in any successful organization, particularly when matrix organizations are more in play.
- Should a CIO be a General Manager of IT or a SME of all IT Domains? Today’s CIOs have multiple roles to play and take broader leadership responsibilities in transforming their organizations. Should a CIO be a general manager of IT or a subject matter expert (SME) of all IT domains?
What are the most Important Skills for the CIO of the Future? IT is at the cross-road, should it continue to be run as the cost center to keep the light on, or should it move up the maturity level –to become a value creator or even a game changer for the business. If so, what are the most important business skills for the CIO of the future? What are the important technical skills for the CIO of the future? What are those synthetic capabilities or unique skills which can differentiate a modern digital CIO from a traditional industrial CIO?
- CIO’s Profession, Perception, and Progression? Compared to other CXOs, CIO role is considerably new with less than three decades of history, however, due to the changing nature of technology, omnipresence of technology and abundance of information, the IT leadership role continues to be reimagined, refined, refreshed, and reenergized, here are three Ps of CIO: Profession, Perception, and Progression.
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