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Due to the “disruptive” nature of technology and the abundance of information, IT plays more significant role in business’s digital transformation, There is the “alphabet soup” in running a digital IT which must lead in reaching high-level performance and improve IT agility. Here we introduce the first five letter effect in running digital IT.
The Alphabet Soup in Running Digital IT (A-E)
- The Triple “A”s in Digital IT: IT is the only entity in the organization supposed to understand business entirely and oversight organizational processes horizontally, IT needs to be able to provide innovative services or supply differentiated solutions that contribute to both top line growth and the bottom line success of the organization.
- Three “B” Factors in Running a Digital IT: IT is working hard to transform from a cost center into a value center, but some of the challenges facing in IT valuation is that too often, IT is driving by a look at rear mirror only, not pay enough attention to the front window and create forward-looking view upon how to run IT smoothly, or only focus on ‘tangible’ value, with ignorance of ‘intangible’ one. So here we introduce three “B” factors in running a digital IT
- Three “C”s in Running a Digital IT? At industrial age, IT is often considered as a maintenance department and cost center, which lenses do you take to look into IT depends on the senior executives’ perspectives, background, and the organization’s culture as well. With the emergent digital era, many IT organizations are at turning point of change from transactional IT to transformational IT, and from operational IT to strategic IT. Here are three “C”s in running a digital IT.
- Three “D”s in Digital IT: With the exponential flow of information and accelerating disruption of technology, IT plays a more significant role in the organization for driving long-term prosperity than ever. However, most of IT organizations get stuck at reactive mode as an order taker, running at a lower level of maturity. From leadership, structure, management perspective, how to improve IT agility, flexibility, and overall IT manageability? Here are three “Dd”dimensions in running a digital IT.
Three “Es” in Running a Digital IT: Although technology is more often than not, the disruptive force for business and industry innovation, IT organizations seem to have a tendency to align with the slow changing parts of the organization, so how should CIOs prepare for the digital disruption and speed up accordingly? Here, we introduce the triple “E”s in digital IT.
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