Insight is about the in-depth understanding and diving into the root causes of problems.
The “Future of CIO” Blog has reached 1.3 million page views with 2500+ blog posting in 59+ different categories of leadership, management, strategy, digitalization, change/talent, etc. The content richness is not for its own sake, but to convey the vision and share the wisdom. Here is the weekly insight of the “Future of CIO” blog for the third week of 2016.
The Weekly Insight of the “Future of CIO” Blog 1/21/2016
- “Future of CIO” 2500 Blog Posting Sum Up Slides, Video: In the industrial age, CIOs are the second class executive who often does not have a seat at the big table to make strategy, and who spends most of time and resource on “keeping the light on.” However, digital means the increasing speed of changes, data abundance, and hyperconnectivity. Technology is often the very disrupter of innovation, and the information is the lifeblood of organizations, many forward-thinking organizations empower their CIOs to be the frontrunner, digital transformer, recognize CIOs as a communication hub and change agent due to the unique position they hold to oversight business processes, and interweave business capabilities.
- Digital Master One-Year Anniversary Sum Up Slides, Video, Blogs: The purpose of “Digital Master” is to envision the multidimensional impact that digital philosophy, technology, and methodology will have on the future of business and human society. It is the guide book to debunk the enterprise digital maturity, a bridge book to connect the industrial age and digital era, a playbook to craft digital mindsets, and a frame book to orchestrate digital symphony and to practice digital innovations.
- Three Traits to Bridge Digital and Global Leadership Gaps: We are at the age of digital dawn, now the physical barriers can no longer be the walls to separate people from communicating and sharing knowledge and insight, are we on the way to recognize the best of the best, or simply blend the variety of perspectives into the new ideas and solutions, and more critically, what are emergent traits to bridge global leadership gaps, and develop the new generation of digital leaders and managers who can gain respect, win hearts and minds not just locally, but globally?
Three Trends in Digital Leadership More and more organizations are heading to the digital journey, it takes digital leadership to encompass the right direction, empower the right talent and enable the long-term transformation. People tend to make leadership very complex, but in its most simple form, leadership is about the future and direction, innovation and improvement, and it is about how to practice and amplify positive influence. Now we live in the hyperconnected digital age with always-on businesses, interdependent ecosystem, and multi-level digital communication channels, what are emergent trends of digital leadership?
- Three Agile Aspects in Strategy Execution: Making strategy is important because it navigates organizations toward the right direction for businesses’ long-term success, but strategy execution is more challenging because it consumes so many resources, business /human capitals, and there are so many pitfalls or hidden risks for doing it effectively. Execution has seemingly increased in priority as the result of the rising frequency of digital disruption and turbulence today. And strategy execution success is more dependent on the business's agility to response to changes. So how to apply agile philosophy to manage strategy execution more effectively?
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