Sunday, March 31, 2024

Inspiration via Knowledge & Understanding

You can learn from different channels, and transcend information to knowledge to insight and ultimate wisdom for professional maturity.

In the fast-paced digital society with abundant knowledge, learning is a constant process. The professional workforce today needs to become self-driven, demonstrate the attitude to keep learning; learn fast and smart. How effective professional learning is depends on the information it absorbs, the insight being abstracted, and the capabilities being developed.

Knowledge is a garden, not a trophy: Learning is a continuous journey, not a destination. Cultivate curiosity and a thirst for understanding. “Knowledge is the garden” means we can use our knowledge to create different sceneries and generate unique value, for helping us and society. It also means knowledge shouldn’t be static, but keep refreshing, and updating - just like we trim the plant and help them grow.

We absorb knowledge, so knowledge nourishes us to grow stronger, and wiser. Also, knowledge is not for showing off but is the power to solve problems. Being aware of how much we know is essential & applying it authentically in real life is more essential. With change increasing its speed, there is outdated knowledge that might drag us down to the past and move backward. So it’s important to keep refreshing knowledge and apply it at the right time in the right circumstance with the right attitude.

Learn from your mistakes and those around you. Experience is a harsh teacher, but the only one we can truly trust to embrace the lessons life offers: Failure comes to you, and you need to overcome it, using it as a launch point for improvement. LESSON LEARNED helps you learn quickly about certain techniques or methodologies; it also helps you to learn what not to do, so you can enhance an iterative learning-doing-learning continuum, to reach the next level of performance.

Learning from others doesn’t mean accepting others’ viewpoints completely, Due to the increasing speed of changes and abundance of information, if you have a static mind, experience most of the time leads towards Complacency, it’s important to integrate learning and practices, understand the pros and cons of diverse suggestions or solutions,

See the world through others' eyes as empathy is the bridge to deep understanding; connection fosters deeper meaning: When someone is sharing a thought with you, do you focus on what’s been told contextually and listen objectively with an open heart and mind? People with a learning mind see unique patterns and make fresh connections that others overlook.

Learn from each other via the empathic lens. Empathy means using the right language with the right people, it is the ultimate level of human cognition of being wise -nonjudgmental, active listening, and balancing between tolerance and respect to achieve that. Also, empathy conveys respect which is crucial in the binding of peer-to-peer relationships, connecting the minds and touching the hearts. Without empathy, there cannot be a rapport and thus, no sustainable business relationships and leadership maturity.

Learning is a journey with all sorts of options and goals. Learning is situational, and the learning styles can be rationalized and diverse. You can learn from different channels, and transcend information to knowledge to insight and ultimate wisdom for professional maturity.


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