Friday, March 15, 2024

Philosophical Perspectives

Philosophy allows people to ask insightful questions and do cause-effect reasoning.

Philosophy is the abstract theories and condensed version of collective wisdom. From one generation to the next, people make changes deliberately. By taking a philosophical lens, they can discover who they are and their intention - the “big why” behind the scenes. Philosophy is always important to better understand evolution and harness its power to serve human purposes.

Philosophy is the subject for pursuing wisdom: We are encouraged to look for an experience of truth, the unfolding of wisdom by those who have gone beyond conventional thinking. Thinking through philosophical dimensions allows people to apply holistic thinking to abstract and balance. We should learn from histories, and abstract philosophy from them. There are quite a few named ancient philosophers in both Eastern and Western societies.

Laotzu: Laotzu’s philosophy - Daoism focuses on natural flow, emphasizing effortless action, following the natural flow, and trying to make achievements without brutal force.

Han feizi: He advocated legalism. Feizi believed that rulers should reward those who benefit the mass of people, and punish those who disrupt the social order accordingly.

: The group of founders of this philosophical category advocated:

- benevolence (Ren): Emphasize compassion, empathy, and putting well-being as the top priority. A ruler should prioritize the needs of their people to achieve good governance.

-righteousness (Yi): Focuses on acting morally, upholding ethical principles, and fulfilling one's duties.

Education: These philosophers believed that education is crucial to developing value. cultivating good character, and behavior, and contributing to societal success.

Philosophy has deliberate processes for raising questions, reasoning, identifying faulty reasoning, and thinking outside the box: Philosophy is broader, abstract human knowledge into deep wisdom. Philosophy is the history of ideas and an ongoing inquiry into the nature of things based on abstract reasoning rather than empirical methods. Philosophy helps us understand the limits to knowledge, so it can point these out to other fields when they become deluded and believe that they have access to things beyond their scope. A few ancient Western philosophers advocate critical thinking and logical reasoning.

Socrates: Known for: The Socratic method, a form of inquiry using questioning to stimulate critical thinking and uncover deeper truths. The quote "The unexamined life is not worth living," highlights the importance of self-reflection and understanding oneself.

Plato: Quote: "Knowledge is the recollection of what we once knew," reflecting his belief in the inherent knowledge within each individual.

Aristotle: Emphasized the importance of reason, logic, and observation in acquiring knowledge

Philosophers love abstraction, and want to see complexity explained away in terms of a few simple principles: Philosophy is a broader discipline in pursuit of an in-depth understanding of the interdependent world, abstracting collective wisdom, focusing on “why,” rather than “how.” The underlying philosophy includes choices on management themes, and governance about vision, mission, principles, standards, etc. Philosophy allows people to ask insightful questions and do cause-effect reasoning.

Global leaders and professionals with philosophical understanding can practice abstract thinking and communication to reach a point of agreement for setting up the right digital principles, navigating uncertainty, harnessing innovation, and accelerating societal evolution effortlessly.


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