Wednesday, March 13, 2024


It’s a journey to keep resonating thoughts, refine experiences, and reimagine the art of possible.

The art of leading radical change is to connect the old and new, to embrace the full spectrum of colors, all sorts of shapes & sizes; and ultimately make a leapfrog transformation. Creativity in the corporate world has a lot to do with fostering a creative environment to disrupt outdated mindsets, systems, processes, cultures, business models, or practices. To awaken the positive energy of radical changes, people need to be encouraged to express different thoughts, share fresh ideas, become more proactively driving changes, take risks, and bring value to the success of their organization and our societies.

Resonate thoughts: People communicate with each other through words, words are followed by thoughts. We get innumerable thoughts every moment, they pass unconsciously. The variety of thoughts makes the world diversified, innovative, and sophisticated. The complementary thoughts can overcome the common challenges facing humankind. If the thoughts are backed by conviction, passion, and wisdom, then words following through can reach out to more people; and make a bigger influence. but the misunderstanding with each other causes chaos, conflict, or arguments.

Our minds are conditioned based on our belief systems, education, and past happenings. Only when our minds are open to believing things existing outside of our box, there is room to broaden our thoughts. Professionals must practice how to tap into their most brilliant mode of thinking anytime, anywhere, and under any circumstances. To make progress, figure out the best way to get out-of-date thoughts based on the silo, stereotypical, unconscious bias, etc, out, and equip the mind with new types of thinking, such as holism, balance, creativity, and growth.

Refine experience:
Various experiences are created consciously and subconsciously, as such, some are positive, and some are negative; some help us grow, and some are undesirable and become the stumbling blocks. Experience is not about doing the same things again and again; it is about always learning new things through it -either it’s success or failure. If experience brings wisdom, then there is definite growth. If an experience is repetitive, then there is a limitation.

The experiences become a hindrance to future progress when experience prevents you from acquiring knowledge or relearning when necessary. Experience, be it bad or good, has a repository of learnings of "do & don't." Our intentions to gain experience need to be pure and the aim should be solely driven towards understanding the truth and pursuing wisdom. Experience needs to be defined as the lessons we learn, from “Experience to Education to Wisdom.”

Reimagining the possibility: When ideas start shaping, it is brought into our conscious awareness. The flashes of inspiration we now see in retrospect as groundbreaking inventions or breakthrough innovations were driven by people not only far-sighted, but also firmly determined to make their ideas succeed, and generate value impressively.

Seek inventions, new designs, and creative problem-solving. Imagination helps to make knowledge applicable in either making a great piece of art or solving problems creatively. Imagination is the fuel for the “Creativity Engine.” You have to keep your imagination rolling into reality, given the right resources of knowledge, experience, and talent.

It's important to engage people with recognition and intellectual challenges and build a team climate for learning. It means to never think there is a short list of solutions. It’s important to estimate the multifaceted value of alternatives by calculating the probability and potential impact. It’s a journey to keep resonating thoughts, refine experiences, and reimagine the art of possible.


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