Monday, March 25, 2024


Liberty is- not just a slogan; freedom is - neither about free falls nor undisciplined addictions; it’s the way to -listen to -your inner calling, follow your passion, and live an authentic life, coherently.

Wander around in -

Zhongshan roads;

stand in front of -

square of liberty;

ponder around -

the global standard of-

common value,

capture ancestors’

collective philosophy.

The ivy-white arch gates

are grand enough

allow a crowd of diversity

to pass through;

the blue ceiling with -

printed characters of liberty,

inspire us to -

watch beyond the reality,

contemplate the future,

in solitude.

Sunshine spills -

the light on -

the flower blossoms -

soaks us in the warmth of -

energetic garden;

birds sing loudly at -

the top branches of-

strong trees,

people come and go, wishfully;

breeze touches -

our souls

boost our energy to -

fight for freedom, tirelessly.

Liberty is-

not just a slogan,

freedom is -

neither about free falls

nor undisciplined addictions,

it’s the way of -

listening to -

your inner calling

follow your passion,

live an authentic life, coherently.


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