Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Risk as part of reality

Continuous improvement; strong discipline, the right dose of confidence and humility, etc, are all crucial professional qualities to deal with failures and risks and improve professional qualification smoothly.

The “VUCA” reality brings both an abundance of growth opportunities and a flood of high-potential risks. It’s understandable if you make mistakes or fail to reach certain expectations once in a while due to continuous fast-paced changes. Risk is part of reality, the point is how you can leverage critical thinking to identify them timely, how to manage them structurally, or how to prevent them wisely. If failure is part of success, how can you fail fast, fail forward?

Risks need to be handled with a balanced viewpoint: Risks exist in our daily lives. With risk and uncertainty comes a statistical probability of failure, eventually you will have a failure if you are in the movement. You need a balanced viewpoint about risks or failures. When people re-frame the word "failure" to be more positive, they open the door to learning.

Individuals with the right risk attitude and aptitude can use both quantitative and qualitative factors to assess risks and leverage effective processes to handle them smoothly. Without the right attitude and practices, you will go too far one way and become risk-averse, or go too far the other and fail to make use of the learning or the learning opportunities.

The efforts to manage risk holistically or in a more integrated fashion are critical in the long run: We all face risks in handling complex issues either in our professional life or personal lives. It’s important to leverage critical thinking as an effective tool to deal with a variety of risks, prevent potential risks or what can be done to make you more resilient, manage risks effectively, and identify some opportunities.

Critical thinkers show the willingness to imagine or remain open to considering alternative perspectives. They are willing to integrate new or revised perspectives into better ways of thinking and acting. In addition, contextual understanding helps people shape an insightful view of the complex problem with hidden risks, and broaden people’s perspective of cause and effect to deal with them smoothly.

Risk management is everyone’s business: We all face risks, and we all need to learn how to handle them smoothly. People aspects are probably the least well-understood part of Risk Management, but the most challenging part of managing risk. From an organizational perspective, risk management is both for top-line growth and bottom-line compliance and security. The greatest risk is the weakest link of your organization, usually people.

Have clear organizational risk management structures that define individual roles/ responsibilities, compliance, processes, quality, and safety. Risk management can pay more attention to the bottom-line operation and top-line strategic growth by categorizing and deepening understanding of the different types of risks systematically. Everyone needs to learn about how to handle risks step-wisely.

Effective risk management generates value. A value-oriented risk management approach can integrate people, processes, and technology seamlessly to improve risk intelligence. Risk management needs to get integrated, risk management works best when it is part of the culture and a management core competency. Continuous improvement; strong discipline, the right dose of confidence and humility, etc, are all crucial professional qualities to deal with failures and risks and improve professional qualification smoothly.


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