Sunday, December 20, 2015

A Fulfilling Mind

“If you so choose, even the unexpected setbacks can bring new and positive possibilities. If you so choose, you can find value and fulfillment in every circumstance.” -Ralph Marston

We like the water when it flows into the river and merge to the sea; we enjoy the clouds when they change the shapes and fly around; we are enchanted by the natural world because of its full spectrum of colors and four seasons of changes; and we love life when we gain a new experience or capture the fresh insight… Fulfillment and enjoyment are kind of interconnected, although they are indeed two different things,  but not mutually exclusive of each other. Fulfillment is the reward one gets from having a work well done. Enjoyment can be from the simplest things; watching a sunrise, smelling a fragrant flower, seeing a full rainbow after the storm passes. Enjoyment is also an adjunct to fulfillment, but fulfillment is much deeper than enjoyment....Is enjoyment more from the heart and fulfillment from the mind? And what are important elements to shape a fulfilling mind?

Freedom: What you get in return from freedom is a peace of mind. Your mind is not cluttered. You are free, but you do not feel empty, on the opposite, you feel fulfilled. Although nothing in the universe is absolutely free, everything is bound to something else! Can we say that any action that is performed with total freedom where freedom doesn't cause any kind of conflict of interest with others will be fulfilling always? It is nothing to do with right or wrong. It is all about one's freedom, which gives immense joy to anyone when it is exercised. When you don't have any compulsion, you are free, you don't worry whether it's positive or negative, you accept things, you don't judge, you don't worry about what others think, you don't even want others to accept your way of thought, because you know everything is momentary and everything you come across is a something you have to experience in this journey called life. You just seek. You try to find answers from within. You don't believe in any dogmas. The world is open. All boundaries are created by humans. So as humans, we also need to break free and live life on our terms. Unless one enjoys the freedom how can he/she understand the meaning of life and unless he/she understands the meaning of life completely what kind of fulfillment can he/she aspire for? So, one should move towards experiencing total freedom first. And true fulfillment comes when you visibly see what have accomplished is able to make a difference, or advocate freedom.

Connectivity: Fulfillment comes both through the mind and heart connection internally or the mind to mind connectivity externally. Our mind is often too hard-wired to look through our heart, but ultimately heart to heart connections harmonize the world. A fulfilling mind connects the dots more broadly to see the new possibilities. it is the mind with the thinking process that holds onto its nature connectivity while being prepared to connect the dots even in the opposite direction should they make sense. The fulfillment comes through the deep sense of connectivity, the movement with circulation and energy flowing. Continuous movement is what makes things happen, but, it is just like the water flowing up, continuous improvement is a tough journey. In every walk of life, it is a continuous process and in this continuity flows the life force, and you keep flowing with the life force, you shall be alive and bubbling with positive energy, and feel fulfilled.

Abundance: Internally, abundance is about awareness within you, of who you are. Abundance is the framework for living, a perspective, a creativity flow, and a sense of confidence. Externally, abundance means the flow of information or clicks away knowledge. Abundance stems from what we need and what we value such as resources, time, food, goodwill, creativity, engagement, etc, the inner abundance of self-awareness and external abundance of resources shape a fulfilling mind, it should feel like stepping into the sea, the further you go, the deeper you become; or climbing up the mountain, the higher you reach, the humble you become. It further creates connection and joy. “If one is to live an abundant life. One must seek out all manner of ways to be challenged. Otherwise, the fountain of the flow of life will only trickle in. One needs to perturb the flow of life so as to engage it fully. Rich engagement is the fruit of the enlightened labor of one’s passion by a sense of fulfillment.” ― Ivan Alexander Pozo-Illa

Generally speaking, a fulfilling mind is free to think, being in the zone with a dot-connecting creative passion, with an abundance of perspective and sense of confidence, to enjoy such fulfilling experiences. There are masters who are always in such moment or one with it, no matter where they are or what they do. It is a true fulfillment of life. This is a life discovery.


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