A problem-solving mind focuses on keeping the end in mind, to solve the PROBLEMS in optimal ways.

Digital is the age of explosive information, hyperconnectivity, fierce competition, although the physical obstacles cannot separate people from communication, still, there are walls at people’s heart and gaps in their minds. We identified "
Three Mentalities which Enlarge the Digital Gaps" in the previous posting, here we also discuss three mentalities to bridge digital gaps.
Simplicity mind: Complication causes uncertainty, insecurity and a sense of incompetence. Labels influence the mind to look at things their way which could be the root of all complications. When things get more and more complicated, the misunderstanding pops up, and the digital gaps enlarge. Simplicity is a behavioral attitude to see things as and what and where they are and be content and cool as it is. Often human cannot live the life with simplicity and keep making it complicated, and when it is complicated we make it more complicated instead of simplifying. Very rare case we find people with a simple mind, simple thought and who gets on to simplifying everything being passionate for simplicity, be it thought, procedures, systems, life, nature, though we know every intelligence has certain complexity in it, complexity is not equal to complication, complexity is sometimes necessary, but complication can always be optimized. Logically, simplifying the complicated thing is an optimal and smart choice, for most people, it is the other way round. They make simplicity as the source to make anything and everything complicated. It is not that they are not intelligent, it is just that they can't live with simplicity. Complexity arises not from nothing. Humans create, though unintentionally in most cases their own problems. Therefore, they have to untie the knots they made themselves. Simplicity does make a peaceful mind, thus, a peaceful life, and a peaceful world. So simplicity can bridge the gaps, harmonize, and create synergy to let positivity flow.
Problem-Solving Mind: A problem-solving mind focuses on keeping the end in mind, to solving the PROBLEMS in optimal ways. What’s the problem-solving mindset though? It is a multidimensional-intelligent mindset. It takes a big picture type of Strategic Thinking and the scientific logic to dig through the root cause of problems. It is a sense of perspective, stepping back to see a bigger picture than others. It takes Critical Thinking to frame the right problem and empathetic thinking to address the correct need. Problem-solving is about seeing a problem and actually finding a solution to that problem. Ultimately addressing the correct need is what determines the right problem. It is also important to apply CREATIVITY in a recursive way for problem-solving. Creative and methodical solvers exhibited different activity in areas of the brain that process visual information. It also takes a collective thinking and collaborative mindset to brainstorm the solutions. There is as much Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, Strategic Thinking and more thought processes that go into problem identification as well as solution discovering!
Systems Thinking: Systems Thinking is a discipline for seeing wholes. It is a framework for seeing interrelationships rather than isolated things, for seeing patterns of change rather than static “snapshots.” You cannot understand a cell, a living thing, a brain structure, an organization, or a culture if you isolate it from its context. The relationship is everything. In a broader sense. Systems Thinking is a path to greater awareness. Because it allows us to be integral and not separate from the world. Therefore, Systems Thinking can bridge the digital gaps. "Awareness" is a mixed word and it makes more sense to be aware of real boundaries than it does to disregard boundaries in trying to be "more aware." It’s important to apply Systems Thinking in framing the right questions before answering them, and it’s also important to leverage a good set of Systems Thinking tools to propose solutions. Although Systems Thinking might slow down the decision-making scenario, for strategic or any critical decisions, it’s the necessary thinking process to do both analytics and synthesis, to see both trees and forest, either for decision-making or problem-solving.
We are living in the era of opening the new page of innovation, to focus on solving more thorny problems and overcoming the common challenges facing human species. However, for many traditional organizations, they aren´t yet in the knowledge economy, they continue to act as expected in the economy of scarcity and live in the silos, presenting difficulties to share the insight and wisdom, and today in order to innovate and be more progress, to take advantage of all information available, you need to trust and share diversified views and create new knowledge. Knowledge and creativity are the two faces of the same coin innovation. We are in the knowledge economy and cutting-edge innovation era, digital leaders, and professionals have to build these true digital mindsets to focus on problem-solving via following simplicity principle, understanding things holistically and taking approaches systematically.
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