The motivation describes "why" the principle is important to achieving the organizational mission.
Digital IT Principles, Portfolio, and Performance
- Seven IT Leadership Principles - First People – Then Process – Then Technology in that order. Develop and nurture a high-performing IT team. Strive to be leaner and more business-focused.
- How to Set Guiding Principles for an IT Organization? - Principles are statements of values. Things that define why one make a decision one way or another. These core decision values guide the behavior of individuals within an organization. Thus, guiding principles need to be defined as core decision values, "why we make decisions the way we do."
- IT Portfolio Management: Many IT organizations are overloaded, but under-budgeted, their significant portion of resources have been used to keep the light on, and maintain the current application portfolio, In a time when IT departments are being asked to do more and more when budgets are not increasing, where does the money come from for innovation? Wouldn't it be useful to know where there are unused licenses? Wouldn't it be useful to know where you have multiple applications doing the same thing in different areas of the business? And wouldn't it be useful to profile your users based on what they use and need and then provide them with only those applications? To put simply, what are the barriers to managing a balanced IT portfolio, how to run IT more effectively, and do more with innovation?
- The Science & Art of Portfolio, Program & Project Management? There’s paradoxical view about PMO (Project Management Office) or PPMO (Program & Portfolio Management Office), on one side, PMO plays a significant role in project delivery, portfolio optimization, and governance; on the other side, from industry survey: In some cases, the IT organization's performance may improve once the PMO was eliminated. The debate point is: Should project management be centralized or decentralized? How to maximize business value through portfolio, program and project management?
- Five Pondering Why IT Project Fails: In the United States, we spend more than $250 billion each year on IT application development, statistically, 31% of projects will be canceled before they ever get completed., 53% of projects will cost twice as of their original estimates, overall, the success rate is less than 30%. Why did the project fail? From symptoms to root causes -what are the major factors that cause software projects to fail? What are the key ingredients that can reduce project failure?
- Five "Super-Pitfalls" Why Large IT Projects Fail. Major IT projects have much higher percentage of the failure rate than other business initiatives, further, large IT projects fail even more frequently than the smaller project and cause significant damage to the organization in both short term and long run. Approximately there are at least 40 failure factors that seem to repeat themselves in the industry studies, which can be grouped into categories like planning and control, strategic fit, scope, commitment and participation, communication, management and leadership, risk management and a few others. But, besides main aspects listed here to lead average IT project fail, what are those “super-pitfalls” to cause the large “Mighty Project” fall?
- CIO's Four Views of IT KPIs IT is pervasive in any contemporary enterprise today, however, most of IT organizations still get stuck into lower level maturity, with a reputation as a cost center, IT should work with stakeholders to develop KPIs that show how IT is improving business and enforcing business capabilities. Here are four views of KPIs, from IT cost breakdown to IT Performance quadrant; from PMO measure to business capability metrics.

- Does IT Need A Dashboard to Show Value to the Organization?-As internal IT faces competition for the first time from end users with their own devices and App Store solutions and cloud providers that are trumpeting “better” economics and faster time to value, one has to ask the question, “how IT “markets” its activities and benefits to the organization it serves”, “how is IT showcasing the value it brings?”
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