Digital Flavored IT helps business to build a competitive set of capability and improve business agility.
The “Future of CIO” Blog has reached 1.1 million page views with about 2300 blog posting in 59+ different categories of leadership, management, strategy, digitalization, change/talent, etc. The content richness is not for its own sake, but to convey the vision and share the wisdom.

Majority of IT organizations today are still running at industrial speed, stick at the low or mid level of maturity, although technology is more often than not, the disruptive force for business and industry innovation, IT organizations seem to have a tendency to align with the slow changing parts of the organization, so how should CIOs prepare for the digital disruption and speed up accordingly? Here is the CIO’s Digital Agenda X with different flavors of digital IT (Part II)
Running a Digital-Flavored IT
A Change Agent IT: With the emerging technology trends such as SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud) and IT consumerization & Internet of the Things, more often than not, IT plays a significant role in driving business changes, and CIO is the change agent for business transformation. Here comes both opportunities and responsibility.
A Strategic IT: Many organizations still consider IT as a maintenance department and a cost center, which lenses do you take to look into IT depends on the senior executives’ perspectives, background, and the organization’s culture as well. Forward-thinking IT organizations are at the turning point of change from transactional IT to transformational IT and from operational IT to strategic IT.
An Influential IT? Fundamentally, the purpose of IT organization is to ensure the right information going to the right people at the right time and location in order to make the right decision. Indeed, IT is a key business decision influencer in the information-explosion era, but more specifically, how does IT make an impact on the business decision, and how can IT improve business’s decision-making capabilities?
IT as a Better Business Partner (Part I) & (Part II): Many IT organizations are at transformation journey, from an industrial model to digital leap; from a cost center to value-added; from 'T'-technology-driven to 'I'-Information focus, from alignment to engagement. But more specifically, how should IT leaders run IT as a better business partner?
A Digital Fit IT: Shall you put your IT on a Diet? We live in the era of information overload and “data obesity,” IT organizations at the center of such changes, also suffer from the redundant application maintenance and heavy legacy infrastructure, how to build a digital fit IT, shall you put your IT on a diet, and what's the single best method you've seen to reduce technology "bloat" in your company?
A Proactive Digital IT. In today's digital business environment, information is the lifeblood, and technology touches every phase of the business, the CIO must be totally involved and participate in every decision of upper management and be proactive so there are no surprises when decisions are made. Statistically, the firms that have the CIOs sitting with the board or management committee are getting things done faster and become cost-effective in the long run. Or to worth brainstorming, how to run a proactive digital IT?
IT as Digital Culture Catalyst: Nowadays, IT organizations play a more significant role in building business capability, agility, and maturity, and the predictors of the success of any organization are the quality of leadership and the strength of the culture, what changes should CIOs make in the culture of IT team, and how can IT even become the business culture catalyst?
A High-Mature IT: Information is the lifeblood of business and digital technology is more often the innovation disruptor. However, the majority of IT organizations still get stuck at the lower level of IT maturity as a back-office support function and cost center, how can you change a commodity into an innovative source of business performance? How can you run IT as a digital innovation engine? And how to improve IT maturity from a reactive service provider to a proactive business partner and beyond?
Blogging is not about writing, but about thinking; it’s not just about WHAT to say, but about WHY to say, and HOW to say it. It reflects the color and shade of your thought patterns, and it indicates the peaks and curves of your thinking waves. Unlike pure entertainment, quality and professional content takes time for digesting, contemplation and engaging, and therefore, it takes the time to attract the "hungry minds" and the "deep souls." It’s the journey to amplify your voice, deepen your digital footprints, and match your way to human progression.
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